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It was the next day and they all met up at the mall

Jake-"Well I guess we'll have two days with eachother". (laughs)

Marky-"Hey it's not that bad, remember when we spent three days together after school cause of Mikeys breakup?"

Anthony-"Which one?"

Mikey-"Hey now". (laughs)

Jodi-"We're in for trouble".

Georgina-"With who the boys or kids". (laughs)

Albert-"I believe both".

Shane-"Hey now we've grown up". (laughs)

They head into the mall

Brian-"Alright I'm gonna go to the salon with Mark, if you kids need anything give us a ring".

Jessica-"Will do dad".

Nicky-"Shane and I are gonna go to the sports store".

Kian-"Same here, ladies you do anything ya want".

Jodi-"Mani pedis".

Georgina-"You were reading my mind".

Albert-"I'm gonna come with you kids".

Jake-"Sounds good to me, what all do we need?"

Mikey-"Poster boards and stuff to make them with for our project".

Anthony-"Well let's get to it then".

They head to the craft section of the mall, Brian and Mark were getting their haircut

Brian-"Glad to see ya out and about".

Mark-"Same here Bri".

Brian-"You guys doing okay?"

Mark-"Yeah, I mean it's still a bit tough and all, but we will get through it". (smiles)

Brian-"Glad to here that mate, so did Anthony tell you about the project?"

Mark-"Yeah he did, he said he didn't know what he wanted to do yet".

Brian-"Same with Jess, but I'm sure they'll figure it out".

They continue to talk while getting their haircuts while Shane, Nicky, and Kian were in the sports store

Kian-"So this while project thing, did they tell yous about it?"

Nicky-"Yep, Jake wants to be a footballer he goes to a camp in the summer".

Shane-"Mikey's still on the whole singing thing". (sighs)

Kian-"Mate I think it's great he wants to do that".

Nicky-"Same here".

Shane-"Him and Jess wrote a song I wonder if Brian knows about it".

Kian-"So Jess wants to sing too?"

Shane-"No she told the boys she doesn't know what she wants to do".

Nicky-"Maybe a detective, cause we all know that Brian isn't gonna tell her why Julie left".

Kian-"I'm sure he will".

They leave the store, Jodi and Georgina are getting their mani pedis

Jodi-"This is just what I needed".

Georgina-"Same here".

Jodi-"Only if Maddie was here, Lily too I miss her".

Georgina-"I do too, I also miss Julie around".

Jodi-"Do you think Brian has told little Jess yet?"

Georgina-"Jodi none of them will even tell the kids about the band, I doubt he has".

They continue talking, the kids are at the craft store

Jake-"We got everything?"

Marky-"I think so".

Mikey-"We are for sure getting a pass grade".

Jessica-"When is it due again".

Anthony-"I believe Mr.Stork said at the beginning of next month because his friend is busy".

Albert-"What friend?"

Jessica-"No clue he said it was a surprise".

The kids go a check out while Albert looks at someone and smiles, little did the kids know that them and their dads were being watched and that not only did Mr.Stork know about what is going on, but also Albert does. They leave the store and they all meet up with their dads

Mark-"Have fun?"


Shane-"Glad we could all hang out".

Nicky-"Same here, it's been awhile".

Jodi-"Tell me about it".

Brian-"Well are we all ready to go then?"

Jessica-"I think we are dad".

They head out of the mall and to their cars

Shane-"Here". (hands Mikey the keys)


Kian-"Are we all making them drive us around?" (laughs)

Nicky-"Pretty much". (hands keys to Jake)

Paddy-"Come on Marky, drive".

Marky-(laughs) "Alright, alright Jess what time tomorrow?"

Jessica-"Will ten work?"

Anthony-"Fine with me".

Jake-"Same here".

Mikey-"Sounds good".

Marky-"See lot at ten then".

They get in the cars and all drive home, once they get home they all head inside of their homes

Albert-(phone rings) "Hello?"

Louis-"What time and who's house?"

Albert-(whipsers) "Ten and McFadden".

Louis-"Will Brian be there".

Albert-"No he has to go to the studio".

Louis-"Perfect, see ya tomorrow then". (hangs up)

Jessicas bedroom

Brian-(knocks) "Hi hun".

Jessica-"Hey dad, heading to bed?"

Brian-"Yep gotta get up early and head to the studio".

Jessica-"Thanks for today dad". (hugs him)

Brian-(hugs her tight) "Yer welcome sweetheart, well goodnight". (kisses her head)

Jessica-"Night dad".

Brian goes to bed while Jessica looks at a pic of her mom

Jessica-"Night mom". (kisses the pic then goes to bed)

The Filans

Maddie-"Did you guys have fun today?"


Mikey-"How was your day mom?"

Maddie-"It was good, long day though". (kisses Shane)

Mikey-"Well I'm gonna go to bed gotta be at Jess's by ten". (goes to bed)

Shane-"What's wrong?"

Maddie-"Nothing, just tired that's all".

They head to bed, Maddie also knows what is about to happen and she messaged Jodie and Georgina about it because Louis wants them to know also

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