Smash Hits

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Mikey comes into Jessicas room

Mikey-"Jess wake up!"


Jake-"We made the smash hit chart, we're number one!"

Jessica-"With what song?"


Jessica-"But that was our last album".

Anthony-"We haven't had another album out yet".

Bryan and the others come in

Mark-"Smash it congrats".

Lily-"Louis called, he said that you lot have a photoshoot today for it".

Jessica-"Ugh we just got back, the man never let's us rest".

Julie-(laughs) "Sounding like Bry over here".

Mikey-"Jess our outfits are cool though".

Albert-"They are at the studio for you to change in".

Jessica gets up then they head to the studio

Louis-"Morning you lot".

Mikey-"Morning, you couldn't do this later?"

Jessica-"We literally just got back".

Nicky-(walks in) "You know this guy, congrats guys".

Kian-"Number one". (hugs them)

They go and get their hair and makeup done

Jake-"This is sick".

Jakes outfit

Jakes outfit

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