He rolls his eyes and walks ahead of you so you weren't in his space anymore "I'd rather call you a pain in my ass" You simply smirk at his failed attempts to push you away. "Sasuke why must you be so mean to me" You fake pout. "You must know your blunt rejections hurts girls" "Maybe i do, and it's too bad it's not working right now... i'm starting to regret letting you join us" he groans and walks away. 

His harsh words normally sting a little bit but you always shrugged it off not understanding why. But this time it hurt much more and you couldn't just shrug it off. Your face twisted in confusion not understanding why his words hurt.

'Huh what the hell is this feeling, he's always rejecting me but that just makes me wanting to annoy him more but now...' You look at him casually walking ahead of you with no emotion on his face.

Your face suddenly heats up out of embarrassment of... being rejected? 'Huh this is wrong so very wrong- Right? He's a criminal and maybe i did join them but it's only for fun it's not like i've ever killed anyone or will ever kill anyone like him.' You suddenly get a little angry at your insult to him and then suddenly stop.

'Huh- Do i- i mean- i don't actually-'  Your face got extremely red as you look at the ground trying to hide it from everyone as you completely get lost in your thoughts 

Sasuke turned his head to look at you, seeing you look at the ground. He suddenly felt bad but then mentally cursed him self for feeling bad to a girl he rejected 'Dammit why do i feel bad for her, i've never felt bad for rejecting a girl. Not even for Karin or Sakura.' He turned his head to look forward again 'I don't like people. I've never liked a girl in my life. And yet is that what this feeling is now. But she's such a dork with all her pick up lines and weird but entertaining ways of flirting. Whatever this is probably just something stupid that'll go away soon... but for now i should distance myself from her before things start getting serious' He said with a straight face as we all continued walking 

You sat in your room looking at the ceiling thinking about no one but the copy ninja you ran into days ago. You've always heard great stories about him and always wanted to meet him so when you finally did you were ecstatic, until you remembered you called him a pervert.

"God Y/N how dumb can you be, a hot guy who's also the freaking copy ninja of the leaf caught you looking at this porn book, which he so happens to like, and you yell pervert in his face and blush like an idiot. 

You shoved your face in your pillow and screamed out of frustration. "Stupid can't even keep your mouth close"  You kept arguing with yourself until you stopped and blushed.  "What the hell why am i freaking out about this, so what if he's the copy ninja and- and kinda hot and... AGH SHUT UP GEEZ I HATE THIS"

You threw your pillow across the room which knocked something over but you couldn't see what since it was quite dark. You then pouted and muttered "My pillow..." 

You were walking around the village again until you stop at the same book store you meet Kakashi at and looked at the same book he accused you of liking. 

"Ah hey Y/N, thinking about getting the book, if so you don't have to buy it you can borrow the one i bought"

You slowly turned to look at him and blushed furiously not expecting to see him and all sense completely left your mind as you started sputtering nonsense. 

"Wha-WHAT N-NO WAY I TOLD YOU IM NOT A PERV LIKE YOU A-AND ANYWAYS I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU NOT TO SNEAK UP ON PEOPLE LIKE THAT ARE YOU TRYING TO K-KILL ME-" You kept yelling clearly flustered at his sudden appearance to which he just stood there staring at you.  

'Hmm she's quite cute when she's all flustered' he said smiling at your red face.  You suddenly stopped blushing more at his smile and at your outburst.

"w-what the hell are you smiling at you creep"  He then chuckled "Well it's just that you're cute when you're flustered" he said speaking his thoughts so carefree.

It made you blush more than you've blushed before as you searched for words to say- or better yet yell at him for. "ARE YOU CRAZY YOU CANT JUST SAY THAT TO PEOPLE YOU DONT KNOW I MEAN- THATS SO SUDDEN AND IT COULD- I MEAN- UGH JUST JUST-" you stuttered not being able to find anymore words to insult him with being at your max of embarrassment. 

So you turned on your heel and stormed away muttering profanities as Kakashi just smiles at you again and heads into the store to buy another of his books 

You were sleeping in a tree. You come out here to try and find that Hyuuga to watch again but you couldn't find him so you decided to sleep in a tree not having anything better to do. 

It was later in the afternoon you started to get hungry, but you really didn't want to go all the way back into the town to get food and you of course didn't want to use your money. 

You groaned as you looked around hopping through trees not paying attention to your surroundings.  You finally spotted an apple in a tree and decided that could be your snack for right now.

You got on your hands and knees on the tree branch you were already on and slowly reached out to try and grab the apple.  Your arm stretched out as much as it could, you were so close to the apple but you couldn't reach. you pulled back and thought for a second before scooting up on the branch almost to the edge.

You then reached out again, you were closer than the last time but just a centimeter away you decided to be bold and swiftly reach out to grab the apple again, which you managed to grab but also managed to slip off the tiny piece of the branch that you scooted up on. 

You face went blank as you realized what just happened. You then look to the ground screaming out of fear. As you brace for impact you didn't feel the ground, you felt a pair of arms wrap around you. 

You slowly open your eyes as you look into a pair of byakugan eyes. "What the hell were you doing in a tree again" he said with a straight face. You blushed as he put you down. "Well uh i WAS sleeping until i got hungry and uh i didn't wanna go into town so i went to get an apple from that tree and-" Neji cut you off from your ranting "Yeah yeah i get it just be careful next time... and stay out of trees weirdo" he said as he walked away. 

You blinked a couple of times and then blushed again. "Aw Neji did you worry about me" you whispered so he wouldn't hear and smirked "Hmm looks like i like the Hyuuga" you paused for a moment and then shrugged looking at a tree. But just decided to go home instead. 

It's been a couple of days since you've been in the sand village and you'd say it's been quite fun. Especially hanging out with Gaara.

You'd be lying if you said you haven't been falling for him in these days, he seems so troubled and you lit up every time he smiles which isn't too often. But the day was coming up when it would time for you to leave and you were dreading it. 

You were eating dinner with Gaara with your head down thinking about the day you'd have to leave with a frown on your face.  "Hey Y/N what's wrong you've barely eaten." You look up surprised.

"Oh! Yeah i'm fine Gaara really" You gave him a fake smile which he didn't buy but he didn't want to pry so he just smiled back at you hoping it'd make you feel better, which it did.  

"Hey Gaara?" "Yes Y/N?" "Thank you so much for your hospitality, it means so much, i was always treated like a criminal almost my whole life and you actually had every reason to treat me like a criminal also" He looked at you thoughtfully before speaking

"Of course, you don't at all seem like a criminal to me... i don't know what happened to you in the past but you seem to innocent to want to hurt anyone without a good reason" He blushed and continued eating. 

You giggled at his blush and nervousness and continued eating also having the bad thoughts you were thinking earlier completely gone from your mind.  

Hi there, i'm still a bit nervous writing these so please bare with me until i get over the first time jitters but i would love to hear some recommendations and suggestions for anything but that's all i have to say for now i hope you enjoyed have a good day -///-

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