Chapter 3

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~If you find someone to love in your life, then hang on to that love~ Princess Diana

Chapter 3

Around midnight, I was roaming mindlessly through the empty hallways looking for a peaceful place just to spend some time. I woke up once again from a nightmare and could not go back to sleep.

I halted my steps and came across a small wooden door at the end of the hall leading to the library. I often used to hide in here whenever Soph and I played hide and seek. Those days were truly magical and precious. I turned the door knob and gently pushed the door open.

It was a medium sized peaceful place having a variety of wonderful books. The floor was graced on by a classic blue carpet and the silk curtains were open allowing the  light from the moon to illuminate the place. 

It truly surprises me how rich the Blacks are. I definitely don't want to impose on them for a long time. I will soon get a job and my own place to live.

I wandered my way in to look for a good relaxing book to read.

No sooner had I taken a few steps in than I gasped,my whole body coming to a standstill. Christ! The great almighty Noah Black was was sleeping on his hands rested on the table with his thin frame glasses sitted on the bridge of his nose ready to fall off anytime. His hair was messy falling all over his face and mouth was slightly open. Gosh, he was looking so hot. 

He immediately shoot his eyes open and narrowed them down at me. 

"Oh God, I am extremely sorry. I had no idea you were here or else I wouldn't even step foot in here," I panicked being in the same room as him for fear of what he could even do with me.

I turned back to open the door but realized it was not opening. It freaking got locked on its own. Come on! Open up!
As I was struggling with the door handle trying to push the door open, I heard him speak from behind.

"It's not going to open, guess what; your stuck in here with me. We have to wait for someone in the morning to come open it," He grunted.

I quickly turned behind to look to get a clear view of him. He was putting on a loose tank top and comfortable shorts that made him look like a greek god in the middle of the night. Fudge! He was truly the most attractive person I knew!

"Stop staring at me like that, bitch," he scowled.

Ouch, what did he just say. Who the heck on earth is he to say such things to me! Such a shame his personality doesn't match him outer beauty. Well, he just angered the wrong person.

"Excuse me you fat looking donkey or whatever you are. You are such an egoistic bastard. Ever since I have come here, you have been targeting me. What's your fucking problem with me," I retorted back.

"Oh, so this dumb looking girl can actually talk back. I am quiet impressed," Noah remarked and stood up dusting off his shorts. He took baby steps coming towards me, an eyebrow raised as he scrutinized me.

"W-what a-re you do-doing?" My mind unable to think.

"St-ay far -or I w-ill kick you! I know kung-fu," I swallow.

He walked closer to me until my back hit the wall. His breath fanned my ear and sent chills down my spine. "Listen here you little thing...if you think my parents are going to divert all their love and attention to you, you are so wrong. I am going to make your life miserable here," he smirked.

I let out a heavy breath. I was utterly speechless. This dude had a problem in his mind if he thought I was going to get afraid by his threat. And to think he was making me speechless!

My Best Friend's BrotherOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant