Chapter 1

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~you do not find a happy life, YOU MAKE IT~ Camilla Eyring Kimball

Chapter 1

The huge dark oak trees were passing by in a blur as I stared at them through the car's window. It was a Mercedes Benz E 350. The Blacks were really rich, as Mr. Black was the CEO of Black Corp. that involved in some shipping stuff.

"Hey, it's going to be okay," My best friend whispered from besides me.

We buried my parents a few days ago. Soph and her family were a huge help. I fainted because I couldn't see mom and dad going 6ft underground and have been hospitalized since. They finally allowed me to leave.

The drunk truck driver was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment. As if that would bring my parents back!

My nose and cheeks were red. Tears dried up. Even Soph cried a lot alongside with me. She didn't say anything so far, for which I was glad. I didn't have any relatives as far as I knew. My mom was an orphan and my dad was the only child. My grandparents died a few years ago and it hit my dad pretty hard though he never showed it.

Soon, a cream colored bungalow rolled up. Mr. Black said something on his earpiece and and the gates opened allowing the car inside. We got off right in front of the door.

"Welcome A, your new home. You're going to love it here I promise," Soph said, sending a warm and genuine smile towards me.

Before I could mutter a thanks, a servant came out taking my luggage inside. Soph and I then walked in hand in hand following Mr. and Mrs. Black through the huge mahogany door with beautiful modern designs around it.

The living room was simply beautiful.

There was a small oval glass table surrounded by red velvet sofas which resided over a large navy blue carpet facing a large 65 inch TV. One pathway led to the kitchen and the other led upstairs where all the rooms were located.

I had been here several times before, sometimes we would hang out here after school and I once slept over.

"Honey, this is now your home. Don't be shy and feel free to tell us anything you want. Sophia, can you please show Ava her room," Mrs. Black spoke as she gave her bag to a servant to take it in, interrupting my thoughts.

"Come," my best friend gripped my hand pulling me upstairs.

"Slowly Soph," I scolded her.

She smiled sheepishly, "Oops, sorry." None the less, we walked hand in hand.

Once we reached a brown wooden door, she opened the door revealing what was behind. The walls are white and plain devoid of any paintings or pictures. The light purple curtains are half open allowing some of the sun rays to fall on the queen sized bed. Above the bed hangs a large clock, and on the bedside table is a small alarm clock.
There is also a huge cupboard on the side of the room where my suitcases are. Another door leads to what I suppose is the washroom.

This is undoubtedly too much. I wonder how I am ever going to repay this family. I am definitely going to start applying for part time jobs.

Somewhere somehow I feel I don't belong here, I belong in my home, with my family ...which no longer exists.

"A, I know you probably want to be left alone currently and don't need any lectures. I just want to say let it out. Do not bottle it all up. If you ever need me, I am just a call away. But you have got to be strong, for yourself, for your parents," upon hearing my parents, my eyes welled up.

"You have got to become someone, create a name your parents will be proud of. They are always right here with you. They never left you and always want you to be happy. I love you and will always do," Soph spoke placing her hand on my chest where my heart was located.

Oh God, this time tears really started rolling down.

I hugged her as tightly as I could while bawling my eyes out. What did I ever do to deserve such a wonderful caring loving sweet amazing fantastic best friend like her. She was truly exceptional.

"I love you Soph. I really do. Your just so amazingly wonderful," I hiccuped.

"I know I know. I mean come on, where will you find a best friend like me in this life. I am the only version of myself on this earth and unfortunately you are stuck with me for a really long time," she playfully winked at me and for the first time in forever, I smiled.

"Now get some rest and I will come back to pick you up at 7:30pm sharp for dinner. You have still got to properly meet my asshat of a brother."

I immediately stiffened at the mention of her brother. I met him once when I came over for a sleepover 6 months ago but hadn't exchanged any words with him.

He wasn't what I had expected. I had assumed some fat lanky boy but instead I saw a towering 6 foot 1 inch human with short light brown hair and deep blue eyes as the ocean that would drown you in them. He had a shaved chiseled jaw, so sharp it would cut paper and the softest plump lips I had ever seen that were so tempting to kiss and a rock hard chest I would gladly run my hand over if given the chance at that time.
He was 4 years older than me.

I only had a glimpse of him and developed a tiny bity crush on him. But it soon faded away because I never saw him again. Besides, I think he had better girls to look at compared to me. Lets say my body was not the best at the time and braces just made it worse. Then I joined the gym with Soph and got a killer body with curves and long legs one would die for. That's what Soph says.

I am a 5foot 6inch brunette with long wavy silky caramel hair that reaches my waist and hazel eyes.

Soph on the other hand was a really beautiful brunette with hair up to her shoulders and big deep blue eyes that often turned grey under the sun. Both her parents, mother and father have deep blue eyes so it was logical for her to inherit them. Any guy would be so lucky to have her. Unfortunately her asshole brother won't allow her to date till she turns 18 claiming she is too young to get heart broken.

"A .....A ....Ava...Avaa ......AVAAA," Soph shouted startling me.

"I have been calling you since the past two minutes. In whose thoughts are you lost?" She put her hands on either side of my shoulders.

'Your brother's,' I wanted to say. Get a grip Ava.

"Umm, no one's. Sorry."

"Anyways you should rest. See you later and don't overstress. Everything will be fine. See you soon," she pecked my forehead. Soph knew I always loved when someone did that.

"Call me if you need anything." She put my phone in my hand. I had forgotten where I even kept it.

"Where was this?"

"It was at your home with some of the luggage, I figured you would need it," my best friend said.


"You're welcome," She stood up and left the room, closing the door gently from the outside leaving me alone. I double tapped the screen and it lighted up, showing an old selfie of my parents and I. I was the one taking it and they were either sides of me, beaming at the camera. I switched off the phone and put it aside.

Suddenly it was so quiet, I felt so lonely swirling in my own thoughts.

I sat on the bed, alone, brought my knees to my chest and lied down on my left side in that position. Life would be so much better if they were here, but they ain't and they will never be. I know I have to accept that someday.

"I miss you, I wish you were here with me, take care of each other." I whispered to no one in particular but to myself.

I started humming the lullaby mom always sang to me when I was young while tears rolled down my cheeks . After some time, I succumbed to my exhausted self and let sleep finally take over closing my eye lids slowly until it became dark.



Hello guys,

This was the first Chapter. Do tell me how it was and please do not forget to vote. I am trying to improve day by day so please be patient with me. Love you all.

Word count: 1503 words.

Ps. Next chapter will be longer promise.

My Best Friend's BrotherTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon