Chapter 7

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~Loving you is a losing game, I got addicted to a losing game~ Duncan Laurence

Chapter 7

I so regret this. This was definitely not a good idea. Nop, not a good idea at all.

"Damn Ava, you clean up nice. You look hawt," I think Cara was just exaggerating.

The two girls infront of me were dazzling. Soph was in a short strapless black dress, reaching just above her knees. It hugged all her curves like a glove. Cara wore a similar dress but red in colour.

I on the other hand, was in a peach floral dress which was hugging the part above my waist then from down there, it was free. We all wore matching pumps.

"You two look awesome," I voiced out my thoughts.

"Yeah, thank God Noah ain't here. Or else he would never let us leave the house looking like this," Soph smiled. Noah wasn't here, Mr. and Mrs. Black had gone to a business meeting that would take them upto midnight. The plan was to be back before that.

"Yea let's go, the cab is downstairs," we all left the house altogether and sat in the car ready to make the most out of this night.

"This is my first party to attend Cara. How many of this have you gone to?" I asked her.

She smiled sheepishly and pretended to scratch the back of her head ,"Umm, just a few here and there."

"Hahaha, just admit you have been to alot of parties, Cara." Soph laughed.

"Yes I have, just don't tell Blake or I may never step foot out of the house ever again." Soph laugh faded away at the mention of his name but soon she relaxed as I held her hand and squeezed it.

"Don't be so sure, we may tell him," I winked at Soph and she laughed again.

We spent the remaining time teasing Cara. She was a wonderful person to be around.
It just took about eight minutes to reach the party.I removed some cash and paid the cab driver when we all got out.

"Woahhh, let's go rock it girls," Cara screamed.

A few people passing by stared at us and all I could do was give them a soft smile as Cara dragged us towards the house.

"Shush Cara,its not even five minutes,"I whined, exhaling heavily.

Once we reached the doorstep, we gently pushed the door open. The place was in full swing, music blasting all over, girls in dresses shorter than ever, red cups laying everywhere, some couples on the couch making out and others dancing with no care in the world. It was like a club with less music.

We scrambled our way through the crowd, a bunch of drunk humans and found a less crowded spot at the corner. God knows what I was thinking when I agreed to this.

"This is kind of exciting," Soph was genuinely happy.

"Girls, I am going to get something for us to drink. What do you want?" Cara shouted through the loud music.

I really had no plans of getting drunk, "Water will be fine for me."

She faced me again, her eyebrows raising," Come on, you haven't come all the way here to drink water."

"Fine, soda."

"How about you Sophia?" She turned towards her.

"Maybe juice."

"Kay," With that, she disappeared into the crowd.

So, this is how a bunch of university guys party. Frankly, its my first time attending one of this. I could easily spot a few high school students in here. Guess we ain't the only ones. While I was lost in my thoughts, I hadn't noticed a blonde with his two friends approaching Soph.

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