The Story

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Date: March 30, 2021.
Location: The park.

It all started when my mum and I were at the park. We were taking a walk like what we usually do. It was a very sunny day and it was blazing hot.

We were talking about school and other stuff that was pretty interesting. I told her how I missed my friends a lot and how excited I am to go back to school.

But that's not what we're focusing on.

A blue car slowed down beside us and pulled his window down. My mum looked at him perplexingly.

"GO BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY, MONKEYS!!!" He yelled at us and drove past us. I couldn't process anything that happened but it then clicked in my mind.

"Mum, he called us monkeys..." I mumble in shock and my mum nodded her head.

"I heard that too," she responded. Immediately, we both realized that the guy committed an asian hate crime. I soon felt ashamed and scare for who I am. I don't feel safe going outside anymore.

The next day, my mum reported the hate crime to the police and they are now on the lookout for the man.

So for those who read this, I encourage you to be upstanders and stand up for others in need. If we stand up for victims like me, the world will be a better place and who knows...

You might be the chosen one to make a difference to our world.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2021 ⏰

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