"burke packs his lunch for him. did i mention that?" cristina added, exasperated.

"talked to the morgue guy this morning," izzie began.

meredith sat down, "the one with the unibrow?"

"the one with the like teeth thing. and he said that surgical fatalities come in threes and sevens. says there'll be three more before midnight," she finished.

cristina sat up, "well, ok then. since 'dead tooth' morgue guy said so."

"he's the morgue guy. he knows things about death."

veronica shrugged, "the nurses told me the same thing." cristina sent her a look. "i'm not saying i believe it, i'm saying they believe it."

meredith picked something off the ground, "you dropped this."

george ignored her outstretched hand, walking away.

"he's still ignoring me."

"ignore him back," cristina suggested.

"derek says i should apologize until he listens," meredith informed.

"derek says?" veronica repeated.

"it's good advice. he's my friend. that's good friend advice," meredith defended.

bailey walked into the changing room, "come on."

veronica stood up, moving towards her resident, "where?"


"all of us?" george asked.

"we've all had deaths. let's all go save a life," she answered.

veronica smiled, "that's nice."

on the way to the er, addison stopped bailey to give her hot cocoa.

"it's a little ritual we had in new york. four surgeries, four deaths, i figure we could all use a little good juju," addison explained.

"and cocoa equals juju how?" bailey questioned.

"hey, hey, hey. don't question the cocoa. carry on."

they all continued on their way before addison stopped meredith and veronica.

"here, veronica, i know you like cocoa and that you were in derek's surgery. so, here's the good juju, don't worry i got it with oat milk since you don't like dairy," she told.

veronica smiled brightly, "i do like cocoa and good juju. thanks addie."

veronica continued on her way, drinking her cocoa as she went. by the time they got to the er she had finished it, tossing the cup in the bin.

"great. Nno blood, no guts, no lives to save. it's dead quiet," cristina complained

bailey turned to her in disbelief, "did you really just say that?"

"cristina," izzie scolded.


"you said the q-word," george pointed out.

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