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Name: Ramona

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Name: Ramona

Other names: None

Birthday: February 3rd

Backstory: She grew up in the city

Family: None

Friends: Cora, Nathan, Skye, Irma, McKenna, April, and Eva

Likes: Her friends, sleeping, skateboarding, being a tomboy, being outside, nature, drawing, video games, sweets, her phone, LGBTQ+ and watching YouTube

Dislikes: People who hurt her friends, school, books, spicy food, being girly, shopping, math, being yelled at, rain and rude people

Sexuality: Bisexual in the future

Partner: None

Species: Human

Age: 13

Occupation: Student

Powers/abilities: None

Fears: Losing her friends, being alone, being replaced, public speaking and snakes

Personality: A little niave, hot-headed, has ADHD, loud, kind, caring, overprotective, adventurous, competitive, a little arrogant sometimes, happy and outgoing

Quote: "Hey! Don't touch my phone!"


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