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Name: Naomi

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Name: Naomi

Other names: None

Birthday: March 5th

Backstory: They moved to Gravity Falls, Oregon for college and are staying there for the time being

Family: Their father Roland

Friends: Dipper, Mabel, Stan, Ford, Wendy, Soos, Melody, Pacifica and Gideon

Likes: Animals, reading, exploring, their phone, ice cream, school, writing, sleeping, their friends and their father

Dislikes: Mean people, people who hurt their family and friends, tests, when they can't be on their phone and rain

Sexuality: Pansexual, demiromantic and gender-fluid (pronouns are she/her/they/them!)

Partner: None

Age: 18

Species: An angel

Powers/abilities: Can control light and teleport

Occupation: Student

Fears: Failing, losing her father and friends, being alone, water, storms, thunder and clowns

Personality: Smart, sweet, kind, happy, optimistic, a pacifist, studious, calm, loyal, helpful, honest, curious, quiet, hard-working and shy


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