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Name: Theodore

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Name: Theodore

Other names: He likes to be called Ted

Birthday: June 12tn

Backstory: He grew up up in the city and his father was a cop before he died so when he got older, he decided to follow in his father's footsteps and did!

Family: His wife Angie, his daughters Mckenna and Mackenzie and his son Mateo

Friends: Zander, Nevaeh and Adalyn

Likes: Helping people, animals, books, reading, warm weather, his job, his family and friends, kids, sweets, light,

Dislikes: People who hurt his friends and family, guns, people who break the law and being wrong

Sexuality: Straight

Wife: Angie

Occupation: Police officer

Age: 36

Species: He looks human but is actually an angel

Powers/abilities: Can control light and teleport

Fears: Losing his family and friends, death, small spaces, being a failure, guns, thunder and water

Personality: Kind, sweet, brave, strong, a little nervous, calm, warm, happy, helpful, selfless, smart, sometimes hides his emotions, patient, and overprotective

Quote: "This job has its ups and downs!"


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