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I made Vern from the TMNT 2014 movie as a 2012 character!

I made Vern from the TMNT 2014 movie as a 2012 character!

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Name: Vernon

Other names: He likes to be called Vern

Birthday: April 29th

Backstory: He was close friends with Sofia's patents and after they died he moved to Florida and became a cameraman working on movies to take his mind off of things

Family: His girlfriend Leah, his son Kenji, his sister-in-law Vanessa, his brothers-in-law Hiro and Akito, his nephews-in-law Usagi and Aki, his niece-in-law Ame, his great nieces Sam, Susan, Kira, Karai Rosa and Mitzuki and his great nephews the turtles, Ben, Elijah, Kintaro and Tsuki

Friends: Lorraine, Sofia, April, Casey, Kirby, April, Eva, Steve, Mike, Junne, Oratrou, Eloise, Zennia and Luisa

Likes: Hawaii, his family and friends, his job, cameras, technology, helping people, acting, reading, warm weather, music and animals

Dislikes: People who hurt his friends and family, Luisa (it's complicated!), Vanessa and Leah's parents and grandfather, evil people, his friend's deaths, cars and being alone

Sexuality: Straight and demiromantic

Girlfriend: Leah

Occupation: Cameraman

Age: 66

Powers/abilities: None

Fears: Losing his family and friends again, being alone, being a failure, cars, hospitals, blood, heights and being abandoned

Personality: Kind, smart, flirty, overprotective, a little emotional, outgoing, doesn't get scared easily, sometimes has anger issues, calm most of the time, has insomnia sometimes and is trying to get over his depression

Quote: "Lights, camera, action!"


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