Chapter 29: New rays of sunshine

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*~*~* The next morning *~*~*

It was somewhere near dawn - that much Rapunzel knew without trying to peer over Eugene sleeping soundly beside her at the clock - judging from the squares of yellow shining between the windowpanes instead of the blue of the day. Rapunzel wasn't sure what had woken her up if anything or if she had woken naturally at this early hour.

She sighed and turned over, away from the glaring light. She carefully laid her hand on Eugene's arm, her husband snoring softly. With her eyes closed, Rapunzel smiled contentedly to herself and waited to let dreams overtake her for a few more hours.

Suddenly, she felt a...twinge in her stomach. Rapunzel frowned and lifted her hand from Eugene's arm, pressing it against her rounded tummy. She felt nothing more, only the twins moving and kicking against her hand. Her concern turned to happiness in that one moment and she settled back down. It had come and gone so quickly she wondered if she had imagined it.

However, no matter how much she tried, Rapunzel couldn't fall back to sleep. She decided she might as well get out of bed so as not to disturb Eugene and pushed herself up using the head of the bed. Then she felt it again. "Come on kids, settle down in there," Rapunzel cringed and held her belly again. She took a deep breath and tried not to let her worries get the better of her, it was most likely the twins being more energetic than usual and if she was still worried later in the day then she would go and see the medic.

Gripping the bedside table, Rapunzel pulled herself up and walked over to the window, cradling her belly the whole time. Corona City below her was peaceful and quiet, the birds chirping in the trees the only sound echoing through the streets.

"Oh!" Rapunzel exclaimed and pressed her hand against her belly harder. Her cry awoke Pascal and had him running to edge of his branch. "Oo!" Rapunzel steadied herself against the wall and breathed heavily. This time was more painful than the previous two times, it was sharper than the twinge that she had already felt. Could it be?... Oh gosh. "Eugene..." Rapunzel murmured then turned to look at his sleeping form, "Eugene," she said louder. As she stumbled over to the bed, Pascal pulled on the ropes attached to his branch and descended, crawling onto the bed and head-butting Eugene's cheek with his head. "Eugene!" Rapunzel cried and shook his shoulder as she sat on the bed beside him.

Eugene sleepily opened his eyes to be confronted with Pascal gripping his claws onto his nose. "Gah!" Eugene jumped up and the sudden jolt sent Pascal flying back onto his branch. "Good gravy frog!" Eugene pinched the bridge of his nose, "Was that actually called for? Huh? Then again, maybe I should be thankful that you didn't put your tongue in my ear again-"


The Captain finally took in his surroundings and noticed his wife sat up beside him. She was clutching her belly and panic filled her eyes. "Sunshine," he whispered and crawled to her side, "What's wrong?"

She gasped, "I-I...think-uh!" a shout of pain cut her off and she screwed her eyes out.

"Rapunzel!" Eugene held onto the tops of Rapunzel arms and coaxed her to wrap her arms around his neck. "Hold onto me Sweetheart, I'm here, it's all going to be ok."

She cried out again then panted for a second. Rapunzel looked up at Eugene, "I's time."

Eugene stared at her then hugged her close and smiled, "I'll send for the medic, I won't be long," he kissed the top of her head and leaped from the bed. He hastily pulled on his pants and boots and shrugged on his Captain's jacket the wrong way the first time over his nightshirt.

He heard Rapunzel call out his name from behind him when he was at the door. He turned around, "I'll be back soon Blondie, I promise," she managed a shaky smile, "Stay with her Pascal." Those were Eugene's last words before he sprinted from the room.

Tangled After The Series - There's No Such Thing As 'The End'जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें