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Yandere Nightmare and cross x male reader
Narrator's pov
Cold,confused,and scared.That's what you were feeling as flashbacks rang through your mind of what they did.

y/n's pov (A few days earlier)
I woke up in pain and as i was getting up I was told to keep resting so I opened my eyes to a skeleton in a fluffy white jacket and another skeleton covered in black and cyan goop with only one eye that was also cyan. "You took a pretty hard fall and you've been knocked out for awhile we're surprised that you didn't break any bones." The one with the fluffy jacket said. "I'm Cross and that's Nightmare." He said. "Ok my name is y/n." I said still trying to get up but a tendril lightly pushed me back down into the bed. "Like we said we still want you to rest for a bit longer." "Fine." I said kind of annoyed but my head was spinning so I couldn't fight them and fell back asleep.

I woke up in less pain and got up from the bed only to feel like I shouldn't be up but I pushed past it and went to use the bathroom only to hear voices. "If you wish to live let us have y/n." "o-ok you can have him but please let us liv-" the conversation was cut short when I heard what sounded like a laser which made me start to get worried. I walked over to where the commotion was and saw nothing, no one was there and it was very silent. "y/n?" A deep voice rang out making me jump and turn around to see nightmare. "Were you looking for something?" "I was looking the bathroom sorry." " "sigh" It's fine just follow me." I began to follow him to the bathroom and soon enough we were there. "Thank you nightmare." "No problem" he responded and began to walk away allowing me to use it.


After I got back to the bedroom and laid back down in bed only to hear whoosh but I didn't pay much attention and went back to sleep. "Shake Shake" huh what was that noise? I got up and looked at the end of the bed to see a chain on my right leg. "Well well well look who's awake already." A voice said. I turned to my side to see Nightmare and Cross with hearts taking place in their eyes. "Wha-what's the meaning of this!" "Can't you tell you've been captured by us." "But that doesn't make sense!" "Oh no we won't hurt you we just want to love you." Cross said coming over with a knife in hand." "But just to sure." He then held me down carving both his name and nightmare's onto my chest as my screams filled the room."There all done!" He said cheerfully as I was breathing heavily. "Wh-why?" "Oh y/n isn't obvious enough." Nightmare said walking over. "We love you and no one is taking you away from us!" I then saw my vision get blurry as he backed away and a few moments later I blacked out

I hope you guys enjoyed this I really enjoyed writing this!
Lukielu out

AU sans x male reader OneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora