¶chapter sixty two¶

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Faraan was under so much stress for a lot of days. Those nightmares never left his side. The familiar vibes from that pure woman named Maryam also remained with him. In dreams, he every time found himself knowing her. Like she is the most precious person in his life. As he loved her and he couldn't live without her. But as soon as he woke up, the feelings only minimized to a sense of connection with Maryam. A relationship of heart, mind, and soul. As though she was his whole life.

Faraan couldn't understand the contrast between two of his dreams; one so horrible and the other so soothing. In fear, he now refused to sleep. He was well aware that whenever he would doze off, that awful-looking man would again come to frighten him. He also couldn't understand his mantra which was the same as before that he should wake up before it would be too late. And also the fact that this nightmare always coincides with the call to prayer of Fajr. He always woke up when the caller said make haste towards welfare.

Faraan had totally dejected from his life. He still used to go to the office but his mind remained blank. He stopped going to clubs and doing other activities altogether. He didn't enjoy them now. It was been a while, he didn't meet a new woman. His brain had practically stopped functioning. The only times he got calm around himself was during the call to prayer times. The voice of the caller calmed his anxious heart completely.

Even now he almost forgot about the fact that he had a vile plan to revenge against Ajwa. She seldom showed up in front of him. But now as his heart and mind had died, he had no interest in anything. Only one thing occupied his senses altogether Ajwa was pregnant, he made Faris rot in jail, that beautiful woman Maryam whom he claimed to love in his dreams, and that horrible man whose voice acted as a melted iron in his ears.

Faraan couldn't understand his state. It was vague, lazy, and purposeless. That night when the sleep overpowered his urge to stay awake, he again experienced that nightmare. He rose, drenched in sweat and breathing heavily. Ironically, again the call to prayer of Isha was reverberating, and the same indication of making haste towards the welfare and namaz was making. He sat on the bed, breathing heavily.

He searched for the water on his bed's side table but his jug was empty. He quickly rushed out and entered the kitchen.

There he could see Ajwa sitting on the kitchen table. She had draped a big shawl around her head and body in the namaz style. Her eyes were teary and red. She was looking at a deep nook on the wall before he came into her view. Her gaze flitted on his figure before resting on his face. A faint smile came across his lips.

"Ajwa," he whispered. Faraan didn't expect to see her right now. Especially in such a gullible situation he was in. He wanted to show domination, and intimidation to scare her off in front of her, not cowardly.

Ajwa stood up and came near him. Her eyes never left his face. "Faris."

His eyes widened. Was she thinking of him as Faris?

Ajwa sighed. "Regarding Faris, perhaps you said right that day. That you still wanted your fiance back but maybe he is worst than you."

"What are you saying?" Faraan narrowed his eyes.

What the hell happened to her?

Ajwa licked her lips. "I just want that woman to get justice. I am also a woman and the way she was murdered while pregnant, who can feel this better than me? If Faris had done it, then he should get punished for it."

Faraan's jaw dropped. Was this real Ajwa? "But a few days ago you blamed me for it."

Ajwa snickered. "I was tensed. No way out was seen. I first thought it could never be Faris. It must be someone else who is trying to frame him but then the police showed me CCTV footage in which he was seen. I myself assumed it was you. But yesterday, my every hope died. That woman who was his class fellow and ex-fiance gave testimony against him. The query, the argument, the blame game everything ended. She explained everything."

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