Chapter 7 - Anger

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Recommended Songs:

I'm just your problem - Adventure Time

Erase Me - Ben Folds Five

Letter C - Zach Sherwin

Streaks - Anima!

Warnings : Roman being a piss baby, fighting, plenty of angst, feelings of worthlessness.

Three knocks resonated on a door with a life sized Hamilton poster. The door opened a crack. "What do you want teach?" The voice inside asked snobbishly. "We need to talk." Logan replied, pushing his way in. He reached a room filled with posters with every musical imaginable. It had Heathers, Hamilton, even the School of Rock. The figure sitting up on the bed had red eyes, almost as if they had been crying. "What do you want?" Asked Roman, glaring at Logan. Logan smiled a smile with no mirth. "I've brought someone you might need to apologise to." Logan smiled to himself. This fake son of a gun had better apologise to Patton. Logan opened the door more, revealing Patton standing outside. 

"Patton?" Roman asked, confused. "Isn't he always happy, and perfect?" Patton smiled sadly. "Actually nope. I think some of your  fights have been getting to him." Snapped Logan. Roman dropped his head low. Logan couldn't gauge what expression he had on his face. The tension was thick enough to cut with a knife. Eventually Logan added on something he wanted to say for a very long time. "Look. I get you've got self esteem issues, but don't you fucking  dare hurt Patton. You've been nothing but an ass and I would not hesitate to treat you like Remus treats you." Logan's voice echoed throughout the room. His tirade was filled with pent up anger and frustration from all the taunting Roman has inflicted. Roman's eyes filled with fear and shame as he looked up at Logan. "Logan, I-" Roman tried to speak up, but Logan was on a roll now. "Your jeering has gone on since the FIRST EPISODE." Logan shouted the last part.

Logan was shaking with rage. His vision went red; all he could think about was anger. Roman tried again. "Logan, please!" He exclaimed desperately, getting up off the bed. "Don't you dare 'Logan please me!'" he shouted. Attack him. Kill him. Get back at him. The voices in his head started shouting. The room started spinning around Logan. Roman's voice became distant; a mere whisper on the wind.  Revenge. Attack. Kill. Damage. Logan looked at the room as it twisted and swirled. He spun around and saw Patton was a spiral next to the door. Suddenly the spirals morphed into binary. A whole set of 0s and 1s surrounded Logan and his eyesight returned to normal. What the hell was that?  Logan asked himself, smoothing down his suit. While he was doing so he noticed blood on his hands. Was that from Roman?  Logan asked himself. It was a not very known fact that Roman had self esteem issues and often thought he was not good enough. Logan worried that he might just have amplified it.

A warm tear rolled down the lone figures cheek. He was surrounded by all he claimed to have loved, yet no one to see him cry. There was no way to win, was there? The tear was joined by another, and another, until they became a waterfall of emotion. Logan collapsed to the floor, overwhelmed by the strength. He just hit and possibly killed Roman. Would they kick me out? Of course. If I don't do my work, what is even my purpose?  Logan sobbed into the floor. Each tear added to the weight of the despair, becoming a crushing load threatening to impale him. All that he was, was built upon logic and keeping a steady head. His fear crushed him; what if he was forced to live amongst the dark sides? Would he be able to bear it? Or would he be kicked out of Thomas' mind completely?

"Is Logan okay?"

"Logan, please wake up!"

I might not be able to update the book much today, so I hope you enjoy these chapters so far! Please leave a comment!

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