His mouth slightly parts in disbelief.


"You heard me." I say, straight up walking out the door. I just couldn't help it— he was so fun to tease. His reactions were so priceless, every single one of them.

Ruffling my sweatpants, I'm about to stroll down the lobby when Taehyung pulls me backwards.

"Wait for me. Wait— I'll be just a second, okay? Don't go anywhere."

Amusement fills my eyes when I watch him hurriedly rush back into the seat. The emotionless facade he'd put on earlier had completely dissipated.

So I wait for him, leaned slightly into one of the golden-tinted columns.


My head tilts up.

It's a man, dressed fancily with butler clothing. And the moment his eyes flicker down my plain shirt and dark sweatpants almost hanging down to the ground, I know why he'd called my name.

He hadn't seen me with Taehyung, had he?

"I'm sorry," He says, and I strain myself to see if I can catch a single word of what he's saying. "But did you make a reservation here? Only guests are allowed in this area."

I chew on my bottom lip.

I hadn't understood a syllable of that.

At my silence, his forced smile turns more downwards. I would tell him that I didn't speak English, if only I could.

"Miss. I'm going to need to ask you to leave."


I repeat the end of his sentence, brows crossing in concentration. Now he's staring at me as if I'm mentally challenged, eyes narrowing slightly.

"Yes. You need to—"


A hand suddenly tugs me back. And I look up at Taehyung's tensed expression, still trying to recall what the man had said in English.

"Who are you? Do you know her?"

I'm taken aback at the foreign language that comes from his lips. His voice isn't harsh, but gentle either as he pulls me further backwards.

That man looks stunned.

"I asked if you know her."

The voice has dipped to a growl. The man shakes his head, words slightly trembling.

"Is...Is she your a-acquaintance, Mr. Kim?"

My brows cross. With a frustrated expression, I lean my head back into Taehyung's chest with my arms folded over my shoulders. I still had no idea what they were saying to each other.

Taehyung's voice is amused.


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