~Part 10~

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"Hell no!" The door swung over almost knocking Hirashi into Mira. He thought maybe one of the twins would say such things but no it was his little sister bursting through the door. The host club started falling out like dominos, their ears having been pressed against the door.

"Ah haruhi-" Mira tried to greet her but Haruhi was already starting in her rant

"You're here asking such a favor when you're the one-" The twins grab haruhi dragging her back inside Hirashi thanks them closing the door.

"Look you're making my sister upset.." Hirashi started

"Wait please...I.... I know we haven't seen each other since we were little but you were the only kid to ever get my dad to like you... so when he started to look for people for me to marry when I turned 13 I told him that I was dating you that we sent letters and emails.... but now that I'm almost done with Highschool he's starting to not believe me...."

"Didn't ask for your life story but okay." Hirashi sighs running a hand through his hair. Mira had tears in her eyes he wondered if they were real

"I'll help you... but I won't date you."

"Really!?" Mira went to hug him but Hirashi dodged

"Give me your number. I'll text you." Hirashi held out his hand looking away from miras gaze. She pulled out a pen taking his hand. It was cold and very pale she thought. He almost flinched when she grabbed him but it was over after she wrote her number on it in black ink.

"I don't have a phone so I'll text you when I get one..." he mumbles taking his hand back while looking at it

"I understand... but I know where you live so don't ghost me." She laughed Hirashi didn't

"I'm not like you," Hirashi says seriously "I don't leave people without telling them." Hirashi didn't wait for her reaction or her reply as he went back inside closing the door behind him. The host club all stood around the door looking at him

"Hirashi?" Kyoya walked up to him "Are you alright?"

"Yeah... no.... I'm not sure," Hirashi was cornered around the door so he just stood awkwardly

"Who was she?" Honey asked

"Ah... childhood friend. She's the one.." Hirashi touched his mask

"She's the girl you told us about?" Tamaki asked

"Why is she here," Haruhi asked angrily making the host flinch

"Shes wants my helps so her dad doesn't make her get married-"

"You're getting married to her!?" The twins yell grabbing his face

"Don't throw your life away Hirashi!!" Honey cried grabbing onto his arm

"I'm not getting married, I'm not dating her I'm just going to help her. I'll talk to her dad or something I can figure it out.."

"Mira Takao daughter to Otto Takao, rumored gang leader. Hirashi I must advise you she and her family has been on the police radar for generations.they're dangerous." For once kyoya looked sincerely worried for him

"I know that."

"And why would you do anything for her she's the one who-" Haruhi bit her lip looking away

"She's the one who fucked up my face I know but I still... I still owe a favor to someone,"

"Owe her?" Tamaki asks

"No that boy I told you about.... one of our mutual friends I owe it to him."

"I don't understand," Tamaki starts

"You don't need too... you just need to trust that I know what I'm doing, I know the risks." Hirashi says rubbing the back of his head

"If you think this is something you need to do then...I'll support you." Hirashi says strained

"But I won't let her take advantage of your kindness not again."

"Thanks Haruhi," Hirashi hugged his twin

"It's been a long day," Hirashi laughs awkwardly

"Who's up for karaoke!" Haurhi and Hirashis dad jumped out yelling trying to diffuse the tension

"Dad I'm sure Hirashis tire-

"Actually that sounds fun," Hirashi laughs seeing everyone's jaws drops

"Are you sure?" Haruhi asks Hirashi shrugs

"Why not?" Hirashi smiles

As the hosts get ready to leave for karaoke Mori stops Hirashi the two alone in the apartment even just for a moment

"You did good," he pats his head and leaves the shorter male alone following after the other hosts into the limo. Hirashi wipes his tears before following after.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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