34. roshugulle

Começar do início

voices screech ...." diaperssssssss 🙄" even before pete realize of what he just hit over....

kit was now more shocked "there many variety of diapers ..diff..size shape age...and many more " kits eyes were still binging 😮out of shock... that he was already gulping in a many times

fathers  " well we didn't know what to buy and what not to ..so we just pre planned...what's wrong in it..."  they both shared a sweet smile to themselfs... it was satisfying...

well another shock awaits now....

wayo "  even dresses.....but...."  he tooo was shocked.... " tooooomany.....typessss"  now it was yo's time to gulping in  a many times non stoppingly...

there were bunch of baby boy dressed and baby girl dresses .... a lotttt....

 a lotttt

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everything was already there

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everything was already there...nothing was missing ...each and everything was there... 


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father " well we didn't know yet -  will our angel be a baby girl or a baby boy so just ...just ....why take chances.......

ming  " well yes uncles...we can still cross-over the dress to take few snaps... 😁😁😁😁😁😁of our baby angel'ssss" ah yah he definitely got smacked by his kitty...

🤤hungry baby👨🏻🍳                          (4TH.BM FF} - OmegaVersus/M.PregOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora