Chapter 17 Rowena

Start from the beginning

I laughed, relieved and felt free of tension for the first time since I met Henry on Halloween. We were mated, together forever. I had bitten him and we made love. Well, I don't know if what we just did could be described as making love. I hid my horrified face when I realised I had attacked him so viciously. "I don't know what came over me."

"Your Lust kicked in."

"Oh my god. Is that what it feels like? How did you ever cope?"

"With great difficulty, Little Fawn." He admitted.

I felt a strange sensation between my legs and realised it was Henry softening and he fell out of me. I giggled as he did, but my amusement turned into straight-up fear when I felt a wetness leak out that was far too thick to be me. I sat up horrified. "Henry did you..." I lowered my voice, embarrassed, "cum inside me?"

He tilted his head, confused, "Yeah."

"Why didn't you stop me? Why would you let that happen?" Oh fuck, I did not want to fall pregnant straight away. Nope, there was too much to deal with the changes in my body, let alone, a pregnancy.

"Why not?"

"We didn't talk about having children yet, Henry."

Henry pressed his lips together, but I could tell he was trying to suppress a laugh by the way his chin crinkled and the hint of his dimples showed. "You can't now. Not until you go into heat about a year from now."

"Heat?" I asked.

"Yes, it will happen each year around this time. Usually, we seclude ourselves away for a week, you will be very... Ummm... needy. And all males around will feel it, some philosophers theorise that each year males must prove their ability to protect their female from unmated males. It got ugly in ancient times. Now usually, mates leave for a week or two to a place like this and come back when it's over. It's rare to fall pregnant in the first five years, though. I think Lilith like us to get a lot of practice." Henry winked.

"Oh, ok." I laid my head back on Henry's chest. Although I am floored by Henry's new information, I'm too tired to think about its implications. I yawned. The events of the day caught up to me and I closed my eyes.

"Rowena," Henry said, I grunted back too tired to speak. "I'm going to take you to bed. These tiles aren't exactly comfortable."

"Yeah," I said, glad he was going to carry me to bed. I had no intentions of moving anywhere. Within a moment I was in my bed and Henry pulled the covers up over me. "Where are you going?" I asked anxiously.

Suddenly he was behind me, spooning me and wrapping his arms around my body. "Nowhere Inamorata. I'm not going anywhere." Wrapped in Henry's warm embrace, I soon fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. It was Alex.

"Hello," I said, surprised by the sound of my voice. its tone was different, melodic and weird.

"Well," Alex said, "I see you took the plunge. How does it feel?"

I looked over my shoulder at Henry who was waking up. He smiled and ran his fingers down my spine, eliciting a shivered giggle from me. He winked, at me, "Good." I replied to Alex.

"I can hear that. You sound drunk, but I'm very happy for you."

"Thank you, Alex," Henry started kissing my back, and I tried to suppress further giggles. I wasn't sure if he was kissing me because he wanted to or if because I was speaking to Alex and he was letting him know who I belonged to. I didn't really care which one it was, if I'm honest.

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