The New Patient

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The New Patient

CHAPTER ONE ~The New Patient

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"Alexa come here!" Mackenzie whispered loudly as she gestured towards her friend.
Mackenzie was currently peeking into one of the hospital rooms.

"Why are you acting so weird?" Alexa asked her curiously as she walked over to her friend. Alexa had just arrived at the hospital for her night shift which meant it was time for Mackenzie to leave.

"Just come here." Mackenzie replied sharply as she grabbed Alexa by the wrist. "We have been nurses for about half a year now and we have never had a patient that was male and our age." Mackenzie tells Alexa softly.

"Yeah they give us all the old people. But I don't mind." Alexa replies back softly.

"Well I was doing my shift all normal and crap when I got assigned to room 303. I walked in expecting an old dude when my eyes landed on the most beautiful boy I have ever seen." Mackenzie explains dramatically.

Alexa laughs at her friend as she shakes her head. "Is he our age?" Alexa asks her playfully.

"Yes and he is so fine like oh my gosh. I've checked on him like fifty times now just so I can look at his beautiful unconscious face." Mackenzie mumbles in a dreamy tone.

"Is he still unconscious?" Alexa asked her curiously.

"Yeah. Come in but be quiet." Mackenzie tells her softly as she walks inside the room. The room was completely silent except the sound of the heart monitor. "He's in a coma. I was told he had a pretty nasty fall." Mackenzie explains to Alexa.

Alexas eyes land on the boy who was currently asleep in the bed. Mackenzie didn't lie when she said he was attractive. His face was very structured and he had blonde hair. "His name is Daniel." Mackenzie tells Alexa.

"I heard about some pop star named Daniel Seavey on the news. He fell off stage at his bands concert and was rushed to the hospital." Alexa mumbles in disbelief.

"No wonder he's so hot and he's definitely rich. If he's awake tomorrow I'm going to try and get him to like me." Mackenzie says playfully. Alexa laughs as she walks over to the computer.

"Where's his family?" Alexa asked her friend softly as she scrolled through all his information.

"Since he's twenty one they can't visit him after 7:00." Mackenzie tells her softly. Alexa nods as she glances over at the unconscious boy.

"He's from that boy band. What's it called?" Alexa asks Mackenzie playfully.

"The Backstreet Boys!" Mackenzie yells in a hopeful tone.

"No! It's like where are we? No. It's like what did we? Shit. It's oh.... it's why don't we! They have like insane fans any of them would kill to be in our position right now." Alexa tells Mackenzie playfully.

"Yeah they would kill to have to clean up his blood and make sure he doesn't die." Mackenzie mumbles sarcastically. "All the information about his medicine is on the computer. My shift is done and I need some sleep so I can dream about Mr. unconscious over there." Mackenzie tells Alexa playfully. Alexa laughs as she waves her friend goodbye.

Alexa sighed as she walked over to the side of the hospital bed. She glanced down at the boy laying in the bed. His face truly was perfection. She wondered how someone could look so perfect just laying there. She quickly looked away and started actually doing her job. She noticed Daniels body twitch causing her to quickly walk over to him. She didn't noticed that she had grabbed his hand as she pulled up a chair and sat down next to his bed. She felt him gently squeeze her hand sending chills through her body. Why was this boy she barely knew waking up to the feeling of her hand and why was he making butterflies form in her stomach?

"Where am I?" Daniel mumbled. His voice was very raspy as he weakly opened his eyes.

"You're in the hospital. You had an accident." Alexa tells him softly. Alexa now noticed the boy had gorgeous blue eyes making him even more attractive. Daniels eyes scanned the room as panic entered his brain. All he could remember was falling off the stage at his concert. His eyes stopped moving across the hospital room as they landed on Alexa. His eyes widened as he looked her up and down. He had been around beautiful girls before but Daniel couldn't fathom how gorgeous she was. He looked down at her hand holding his causing his heart to quicken. Daniel also felt very loopy due to the medicine he was on.

"You're really pretty." Daniel slurred as a laugh escaped his lips. Alexas face flushed a dark shade of red as she quickly let go of his hands. She awkwardly stood up as she pretended like she had to something over by the computer.

"Uh thanks. How are you feeling? Do you need anything?" She asked him softly as she turned to face him. He was still staring at her causing her to feel even more nervous.

"I'm kinda thirsty and I also could use a kiss from you." Daniel says flirtatiously as he smiles at her. She awkwardly laughs as she quickly walks out of the room. She grabbed him a glass of water as her mind was racing. She knew he was only flirting with her because he was on some very hardcore pain killers but she couldn't help but wonder if he actually thought she was pretty. She walked back into the room causing Daniel to smile.

"Here's some water." She tells him softly. Daniel tries to lift up one arm but then realizes it is in a sling.

"Hey what happened to my arm?" Daniel asks her softly as he looks at his now broken arm.

"You fell on it when you fell on stage." Alexa tells her softly.

"Will you kiss it to make it feel better?" He asks her playfully as he winks at her.

"No." Alexa replies sharply as she winks at him. 

Daniel laughed as he took a drink of his water. "I also have a injury on my lip. I think you should kiss  it." Daniel tells her seductively. Alexa shook her head as she felt her face get hot. She grabbed the cup from him and placed it on the table next to him. Daniel tried to get up as he made kissy noises at her.

"Don't hurt yourself." Alexa warns him as she gently pushes his body back down onto his pillow.

"Why won't you kiss me?" Daniel complained as he kept his eyes on her.

"Because you don't actually mean anything you are saying right now. You barely know me. When you feel better and aren't on this medicine and if you still wanna kiss me maybe I will say yes." Alexa explains to him.

"Maybe. Why maybe?" Daniel asks her curiously.

"Because I don't know the type of person you are yet. You are attractive there's no doubt in that but I'm not going to kiss an asshole." Alexa tells him softly.

"You think I'm attractive?" Daniel asks her playfully as he raises his eyebrow at her.

"Maybe you should get some sleep." Alexa mumbles frantically.

"I make you nervous." Daniel teases her as he laughs.

Alexa ignores him as she places a blanket on his body. "Are you cold?" She asked him softly.

"Kinda.....maybe you should cuddle me." Daniels tells her jokingly.

Alexa laughs as she gets him another blanket. "You sure are one of a kind Daniel. Try and get some sleep I'll be back in a bit I have to go check on my other patients. Click that button if you need me." Alexa tells him softly.

"Bye hot nurse!" Daniel yells playfully as she walks out of the room. Alexa laughed as she closed his door. She wondered how he would act in a couple days when the medicine wore off.

Daniel do be flirting with her tho 😏

•DANIEL SEAVEY• THE HOSPITAL PATIENTWhere stories live. Discover now