Chapter 25

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I was sitting on the couch with Kara, eating dinner, and watching Netflix. We were eating a meat lovers pizza, which is obviously the best kind of pizza. 

''Why are we watching this movie?''

''Cause I wanted to watch it.''

''Right.'' I laughed a little. 

It was exactly midnight. Nobody else was home. Father had returned since he'd left, but he was taking late shifts at work, and didnt come home till late. Same with Mom, she was working late, as well.

''What's that?'' Kara asked, her head turning quickly to the other room. 

''I think it's my phone. Let me go check, I'm not sure.'' I walked to my room, and looked around, in search for the noise which was in fact coming from my phone. 

It was a random number. ''Hello?'' There was a long pause, as the other person spoke. ''What? Oh my God...''


''Are you okay?'' Kara asks me through the door. 

I'm crying on the other side of the door. I couldn't tell her what was going on. She has to know, though. I'll tell her eventually.

''Not really.'' 

I can't believe this is happening. 

Elle Richardson is dead.

She was dying and didn't tell anyone. She broke up with me six days before her death. Her parents say that was the reason she broke up with me. Apparently she loved me. She wanted to say it, I know she did. I wanted to say it. It's just hard to do things like that.

Olly ||Everything Everything Fanfic||Where stories live. Discover now