Chapter 22

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My attention shifts from the stove where I am making hot chocolate, to the direction of my parents room, when a burst of yelling began. I could hear the smashing of glass, which persumably was a bottle of beer. Quickly, I turned off the stove, and went in that direction. The door was open, and Father's fist was mid-air, going towards Mom. He missed terribly, due to being as drunk as a skunk. He threw once again, this time on point, and I caught it. 

I caught it.

Thank God.

From the corner of my eye, I can see Kara in her doorway, closing her door. She didn't want to watch. Who would?  She had an expression on her face I see often. 

She wasn't okay. 

None of us were. Not with him. 

But that's not what I mean. She isn't okay right now. 

''Time to go.'' I told my Father,  furriously. He wasn't thinking straight. 

''No!'' He yelled out, throwing his arms up, and about the air, then running them through his hair that needed to be cut. Usually it was cut short, but it had grown out. He doesn't care about that anymore. He doesn't care about us anymore.

''You need to go. Now.'' 

''Who owns this house?'' 

''Go.'' I paused. ''Now.'' I could hear myself growling it out. 

He scoffed, and took a step backwards. ''That's what you want then? For me to go? Fine, I'll go.'' He said, beginning to walk on his way out to his car. He opened his door, acting like he was about to get into the car, until he stumbled backwards, then tryed to play it off like it was purposely. ''I don't see the big issue.'' 

''You tried to hit Mom. Twice.'' He can't  be serious. 

 Well, he really can't. He's drunk.

''It's nothing.''

''It's quite the opposite, actually. You could go to jail...Prison.''

''You're over exagerating!'' He swings his arm, when I'm not expecting it, and hits me in the face, drawing blood from my nose. 

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