Chapter 24

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''Hi...'' Her words were breathed out, quietly, as if she was anticipating the moment, and what she was about to say.

''What's up?'' I said to her, now worriedly. I didn't want her to say it. Whatever she was about to say, I didn't want her to. 

''Nothin' much,'' Elle chuckled slightly, and took a deep breath. ''Listen, Oliver. I need to talk to you about something, and um I don't really know how, but I think you usually do this infront of the other person, and not over the phone, but,'' she paused to take another breath. Her words were being spoken so fast, they were being jumbled together. ''I'm breaking up with you.'' 

I sat there for a moment, not saying anything, and just thinking, processing what was happening. My eyes were filling up with tears, that hadn't yet fallen. I was in shock, but her words had been leading up to the moment. I should've known from the moment she said 'Hi' but I didn't want to, I didn't want to believe it. 

Had I done something wrong?

Nothing was wrong the other day... Right?

''Are you there?''

''Yeah. I am, but, uh, I gotta go. Have a good night, Elle.''

I could feel the tears start to fall down my face. I wiped them away, and picked myself up and off the bed. My door was closed, so I opened it, only to find Kara on the other side of the door, crying, and trying to quiet herself her best. 

Kara got up off the floor, and hugged me. ''I'm sorry.'' She'd say, and hug me tighter. 

''I know. Me too.'' I paused, to take a few steady breaths. ''Let's go to the store, and get some ice cream, yeah?''

Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, don't cry.



Kara picked out a quart of mint chocolate chip ice cream, and I got a quart of salted caramel. We had watched two and a half coming of age movies about breakups, because apparently that's what people do when this sort of thing happens. We couldn't make it through the rest of the third movie, but I made it through the ice cream. Kara did, too. We'd fallen asleep, and stopped thinking about the troubles, and heartaches of life. 

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