"pamela jacobs, and that's my dear husband jimmy!" george nodded to the two, taking the only space left on the uncomfortable chair. his favorite spot had been taken by the iPad kid, and the only thing he could do in the small armchair was to fiddle with his long wand. he let his fingertips run up and down the dark beech wood.

"very nice to meet you george, my son and his friend, they're outside. i'm sure you'll enjoy spending some time. boy to boy, you know?" mr. jacobs added, making george try hard not to burst out crying and hugging the life out of jimmy. he reminded himself of the embarrassment, and how the man was doing only the bare necessities, so he nodded a smile and a "thank you" before walking slowly towards the glass door. he of course didn't forget to make a stop at the dessert table his father had decorated prior, snatching a thing or two to push down his throat.

for quackity, if anyone gave him the chance to choose between apparating and riding a car: he would give away all his magic to learn how to ride the vehicle. as he had learned from karl, a trip down to the jacobs summer house was probably what his two-parent figures needed. pamela jacobs would not stop blabbering about the countryside, her extra passion for the sea, and how she would enjoy 'actual' painting, instead of the fastened magic way, muggle's did it with 'passion' and 'patience'. alex didn't really care, he was just enjoying the car ride. unlike karl was.

the boy was leaning against quackity, the bumps on the road affecting him even more when karl's head bounced up twice its height. karl's headphone privileges were taken, as his father had stated at him for telling marnie off when being too enthusiastic about her game, especially "at this hour of the morning!". but looking down at his right, alex watched the peaceful boy, only resting his eyes with a smile burning on his lips: causing quackity's lips to twitch too.

"karl, headphones." pamela smiled at the boys, karl mumbling thanks. quackity reached over to grab the headphones which were thrown onto the second row of the car seats; the lazy girl not budging even when quackity cleared his throat. karl peaked an eye, giggling at the boy who struggled to untangle the wires. he snatched the wire away from quackity's fingers, not aggressively but affectively his sleepiness was kicking in, alex thought . the challenging knot was gone in a matter of few seconds, making quackity groan as karl whooped in victory.

"want one?"

quackity smiled down at his best friend, who was also looking up close to his face, his one hand tingling in the air whilst holding a wired pod in his hand. alex nodded, taking it into his own hand: throwing his right arm around the boy's shoulder, ruffling or messing up, as karl always stated his wavy hair. karl played new sorts of rhythms alex never had heard: stating that his favorite band had released a new 'alubim' or something along those lines. quackity nodded to karl's explanation making sure it was on beat with the drums even though he didn't fully comprehend what an album was.

the car ride fastened when the music consumed sleep for both the kids. pamela jacobs glanced back: watching her kids and his best friend rest their eyes. marnie held her lime iPad close to her chest: clenching it tightly even in her sleep zone. pamela smiled at the bond between the pure-bloods and muggle items: knowing she raised her kids and alex well without prejudice. her heart ached at the thought of alex being left at his old household, knowing how lucky he was today for traveling to a muggle city, listening to music whilst arm over the boy of the 'traitor' families. a grin made its way to her face. karl's eyes fluttered open, smiling back at his mother. she nodded, clearing her throat. "we'll be there in a bit, advise you wake up the sleepyhead's jacobs!"

"i think you meant anyone but karl, pam..." quackity stirred, taking his arm away from karl who whined at the loss of touch. jimmy let out a laugh, as his wife slapped his arm playfully. but as the man pouted, pamela gave him a sloppy kiss on his cheek. the two awake kids watched in disgust from their interactions, karl blushing in embarrassment whilst alex mumbled "ew".

TIME TURNER ! dsmpOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora