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prologue / o.

the summer wind only made the suffocatingly warm air worse. the leaves perched in their natural way, swaying from right to left on tall and delicate trees. the leaves were painted yellow in his eyes, but from knowledge: he knew that their original colour was as green as an apple which was once again, just piss-yellow to the boy.

normally, george would enjoy the summer breeze outside, watching the silent and calm skies from his back garden, also picking on information from thick and heavy books. the same books that were now resting under his feet, being used for him to reach the small windowpane. he struggled, trying his best to tiptoe on the hard-covered books, but after gaining sight of the two hyperactive boys he knew from his magical school, he let his toes relax.

unfortunately: the shortly gained vision was gone just as his feet slipped away with the cover of his potions book, causing him quite the hustle. he knew his parents were talking with old friends, luckily meaning that there were two adults there to make sure that the others weren't worried about his clumsiness.

he sighed, picking up three of the books that were placed at the opposite of his bed. he wished he could've moved the frame to add more effect and centimeters to his height: but once again, he didn't want to bring more attention to himself from the guests. he doubted his parents minded, they were obviously used to george's clumsiness and his opposite soft-spoken voice but he didn't know much about the new pure-blood parents.

he was scared to make a first impression.

sighing, the brown-haired boy made his way to the tall mirror. it was a pretty mirror. the golden (?) frame was decorated with flowers george had collected that summer, most of them consisting of blue as the others didn't seem to attract him as much as the specific colour. however, he despised looking at it more so the reflection. he stood in front, watching his chest rise and fall down slowly. the brunette tugged at the end of his t-shirt, lifting it to see nothing but his disappointment. his binder stood in the place where it always stood, covering away his shame. a sigh pushed air out his lips, letting his shirt fall slowly.

a few things that george was extremely grateful about were of course his accepting parents, who had always stood with him in every decision he made. and magic. facing the front of the mirror, he watched the reflection's mouth open, and let out a little 'hello'. his lips twitched upwards to form a smile, making him forget about his worries as he stared at his face: the masculine voice making him forget he once didn't sound like this, and the magic of a brewing stand and money helped him.

but of course, he glared as his eyes trailed down onto his thin and pale arms. he grimaced, shuddering his shoulders at the reflection of the feminine figure. the shirt wasn't tight, it was actually quite the opposite: falling under his hips. it didn't help much, making the george in the reflection reach a hand up to his short hair, pulling it back with a force hard enough to feel the strands, and then letting it go softly. george's mouth let out a huff, hearing the adults downstairs had started upon a louder topic: meaning that his parents had talked over... everything regarding george. which also meant he had no time to waste upstairs. his father had been a dear, and owled the parents a simple introduction of george: and he was safe to say that the two adults' reactions were positive about it. his eyes fell upon a grey sweater right before opening his door to dash out, but he pulled it over his head: making him feel more comfortable when walking down the stairs.

"oh, george! say hello to our guests!" his mother gestured towards the boy, who walked up to the newcomers with small steps, letting his hand swing towards the woman first, and then towards her husband. at the side of the couch was a child, holding onto an iPad twice her size as if her life depended on it, too focused on the pixelated game to even look up at george. but she let out a monotone: "hello george" which brought a simple smile over a small thing.

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