⊰❉⊱ 30 ⊰❉⊱

Start from the beginning

She ignored me and tried to push my coat off my shoulders. I rose out of her grip and savoured the way she glared back.

"Quinn, coming back and breathing you in is already testing me. How on earth do you think being bare skinned beside you will be remotely possible?" I asked incredulous. 

She leaned back in the porcelain floor bath that could easily accommodate four people. I thanked every heaven that the foam covered her chest. She was already enough of a sight for imagination. She leant the back of her arms over the edge and tilted her head. "I'm not going anywhere until you clean up, detective."

"I can do that without an infuriating mortal inches from me!" I shot back.

She smirked. "Take off your jacket."

I glared. She glared back. I shrugged it off me with the nonchalance of royalty. It hit the floor heavily and revealed my ravaged shirt with the guns still secured at my ribs.

"Come here." She ordered with no doubt over her own power.

I rolled my shoulders out of habit before taking two steps to her. She moved from the edge of the tub and came to prop her forearms along the edge as she watched me. She raised an eyebrow and I dropped into a crouch before her. Our eyes now level.

"Was that so difficult?" She murmured with a smile still firmly in place.

I took a measured breath and felt the full fire of it tearing down my throat. I swallowed and held her gaze. She gave me a warning look before raising her hands to my shoulder and unclipping a holster. I didn't stop her as it clattered to the marble below us. She did the same for the other and it echoed around us in the hot air.

"Why do you always tread on ice?" I asked in a low voice.

The corner of her lips twitched and she remained focused on my shirt. "Solid ground loses its novelty don't you think?"

I small chuckle left me and she briefly glanced at my eyes. As usual her summer green were beautiful and always alluring. I grit my teeth when her fingers found the top button of my shirt. I stopped her hand and sighed.

"I'm not here to end another life. Stop trying to incite your own."

"I'm doing no such thing. I only promised to keep my hands off you," She smirked, "I'm sure you can wash yourself well enough."

My brows raised, "Then why not let me do this alone–"

"Because detective–" Her eyes took on a darker shade, "–then I wouldn't get to watch."

My shock was evident and I let out a breath I did not even know I held.

"You are unbelievable."

She grinned in the water and moved to the other side to lean her arms back again. "You made these rules."

My indecision kept me in place. The proximity was one thing. The nakedness an entirely new thing. But if she kept true to her word and firmly across the other side of this porcelain deathtrap perhaps–

"The water is getting cold." She mocked.

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose before deciding I had it inside myself. That she was right and I had indeed starved her of one thing so another would inevitably take its place. I didn't give more time to hesitation as my hands moved to the top of my shirt. Quinn's answering smile made my entire body hum in cold anticipation. 

* * * * *

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