stuck in a box (short like levi)

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How they are placed: sadara is on top of boruto.
How they got stuck: the enemy did this. BUT mitsuki defeated the enemy's after boruto and sadara got stuck. And mitsuki is just desided to not let them out yet.
Onto the story

Sadara:umm this is very akward boruto:for me too boruto:let me try to get out. As boruto tries to get out insted lands on sadara's
Chest. Sadara:AAA!! as sadara panik's and lands on boruto's chest. Both start paniking and got out somehow and see mistuki looking at them whith a nasty grin. Mitsuki:Shipppppp
As boruto and sarada fluster and both say at the same time:its not what you think! Mitsuki: oh ho its not what i think~
Boruto and sadara:SHUT UP MITSUKI.

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