Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

I suggest “Come on we should start skating again.”

Phoenix and Rocco skate off slightly leaving me with Loki. I take one of his hands and begin to skate bringing him with me. We get joined by a few people one of which is Athena who I know is one of the people who falls over regularly.

Just as predicted Athena wobbles and soon falls over. Unfortunately since I was directly behind her I have to jump over her but thankfully since I’m a skilled skater I can pull off the move without falling over myself. Loki even manages to dodge Athena.

I ask as I skate to her “Athena you okay?”

Athena smiles “I’m okay.”

I help Athena back onto her feet then help Loki as he begins to wobble slightly.

Roxy suddenly appears squealing “Brooke!”

I smile “Roxy!”

“Can you please do a performance?”

“A figure skating performance I’m guessing?”

“Of course! It’s my birthday after all. You got to be nice to the birthday girl and do as they ask.”

“I guess but only because it’s your birthday.”

Roxy jumps up and down on the ice slightly her feet not actually leaving the ice though.

Roxy orders extremely loudly “Everyone off the ice Brooke is going to do a performance!”

Everyone begins to pile off the ice with the exception of Loki who looks confused.

I explain “They want me to do a solo performance as entertainment since I’m the person with the most skill apparently. I need all the ice in order to perform meaning you need to go stand outside of the rink with the others.”

Loki nods then tries to move but wobbles a lot. I grip his hands then skate him to the exit and usher Rocco to help him up off the ice as he’s the nearest person to the exit.

Roxy asks quickly “Do you need music Brooke?”

I admit “Yes of course I do. If you get my iPod out of my bag in the locker I was using and put on the song I called Skating routine one song.”

Roxy smiles “Sure I’ll do that for you.”

I comment “If you can’t find the locker ask Loki to help find it he should remember where it is.”

Roxy nods then grabs Loki’s arm who looks at me nervously. I smile at him reassuringly and turn around on the ice.

I announce the other who are watching me “I just need to properly warm up while Roxy finds my iPod with the music.”

I skate around getting as much speed as I can before stopping and spinning using my original speed to fuel the speed of my spin. I smoothly glide out of it and skate around again before going to lift my leg up and glide for a few seconds before coming to a stop to see Roxy with my iPod. I quickly skate over.

Roxy asks as she shows me the iPod “Is this the one?”

I look at the iPod briefly and nod my head “Yes that’s the one.”

Roxy smiles “Alright I’ll go and get the place to play the song.”

I move out to the middle of the ice rink and wait. Eventually Roxy returns and gives me a thumbs up.

A voice notifies over the speakers that surround the ice rink “When you’re ready just give us the thumbs up and we’ll play the song.”

I give a thumbs up immediately and the song, called ‘Halo’ originally sung by Beyonce and then edited by me for the purpose of this, begins to play around the ice rink.

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