Chapter 31

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The next day was Keerthi's Mehendi function, it was a strict order from Keerthi that Geet should be present at all the marriage rituals so Geet had taken off from school and office for the next two days and the later two being the weekend she didn't have to take an off. She was at Keerthi's house helping Keerthi's mom with everything, "Geet enough ma...I can manage...go be with Keerthi that girl is making me crazy with all her questions...please go to her" Geet smiles "Okay Aunty". Geet goes to Keerthi's room, she was shocked looking at the condition of her room, all her clothes were scattered around "Oh my god kee...what is this", Keerthi goes and hugs Geet "Uff finally you are here please help me", Geet "What is this Kee where is the room that was here before" Keerthi "Yaar I'm searching for a earring...I'm not able to find it" Geet looks at her "Unbelievable...for a earring you turned the whole room upside down", Keerthi blushes, Geet understands the reason "Ohhhoooo okay now I understand your Mr.Arjun brought it for you", Geet helps her and soon they find the earrings. Geet looks at the earrings and starts teasing Keerthi "Oh so you will only wear what Arjun brought for you", Keerthi was blushing "Yaar don't...(she hides her face in her hands)...stop looking at me like that" Geet laughs "I'm not saying anything Ms.Bride", Keerthi was happy seeing Geet laughing whole heartedly.

The Mehendi ceremony started in the evening, Geet was sitting with Keerthi teasing her while she was getting her mehendi applied, the mehendi artist was asking Keerthi whether or not to write her to-be husband's name, before Keerthi could answer Geet beats her to it "Write it Akka (Sister)...this girl is waiting to get don't even have to ask...just write Arjun in her hand" Keerthi was blushing profusely while the Mehendi artist smiles and asks Geet "What about don't want to apply mehendi in your hands?", Geet looks down not sure what to answer while Keerthi's mom who was standing there seeing them both answers "Ofcourse she will...once you complete for Keerthi apply it for her also...she should also have mehendi like the bride", she caresses both their cheeks and goes from there. After applying mehendi for Keerthi, they apply for Geet "Do you want me to write anybody's name in your hand", she could only think of one name 'Ajay', a blush adorned her face but she just shakes her head indicating 'No', but her blush did not go unnoticed by Keerthi and she thought to ask her about later. After the mehendi artists leave, Keerthi takes Geet aside "Who is it", Geet looks at her confused "What who is it", Keerthi "The one who is in your heart...the one who made you blush", Geet again blushes thinking of Ajay "No one", Keerthi rolls her eyes "Yeah right...look at yourself you are blushing red like a bride now...if you don't want to tell me then it's okay...don't say it's no one because it's clear there is someone...and the way you are today...talking, teasing, smiling, laughing whole heartedly...I am happy to see this Geet", Geet smiles and whispers "Ajay", Keerthi was in shock that she said his name and wanted to make sure that she heard right "What did you say", Geet looks at her and says "It's Ajay", Keerthi "You mean your Mr.Chowdhary", she blushes when Keerthi says 'your Mr.Chowdhary' and just nods. Keerthi was jumping up and down like a mad girl, Geet tries to calm her down "Stop Keerthi...don't jump...your Mehendi...stop", she somehow stops an over excited Keerthi from jumping around like a mad girl.

Keerthi takes Geet to her room "Now tell me did you confess to him...does he feel the same way...did he confess", Keerthi asks her all questions in one go, Geet smiles at her excitement "Stop take a deep breath question at a time Kee", Keerthi keeps smiling "I can't control my excitement...first tell me does he feel the same...did he confess his feelings", Geet looks down blushing and nods "He confessed...he kept saying it again and again...and he knows what I feel for him even when I couldn't confess...I have hurt him so much Kee...I tried to stay away...but I couldn't...he is irresistible I guess...I tried to confess to him yesterday but as soon as I see him I go speechless not being able to say it out loud that I love know what he told me...he told me that he will be waiting till I confess...I don't know when did I get so lucky to get someone like him in my life who understands everything about me without even me saying it out loud❤️...from now on no looking back Kee...I'm going to live my life the way I used to...that's what will make me happy and everyone around me happy", Keerthi smiles looking at Geet "Aww baby...I'm sooooo happy that you have him...confess your love soon Geet" Geet nods "Yeah I will".

The next day was the haldi ceremony, again Geet was at Keerthi's house, today even Madhu was with Geet. Keerthi's mother and Madhu were also friends, so she had come for the haldi ceremony, Geet was standing aside and watching as everyone applied haldi to Keerthi. Keerthi keeps calling Geet to tell her to come and apply haldi but she keeps refusing knowing some of the people there will not accept even if her parents or Keerthi's parents do not have such a mindset, she didn't want to create any scene in the function and wanted everything to take place smoothly for Keerthi. But nothing goes as per her plan, Keerthi's mom calls Geet to apply haldi for Keerthi "Come on Geet go apply haldi for your friend" Geet was hesitant looking at the judging looks some of the aunties were giving her "Aunty I don't want to create a scene", Keerthi's mom smiles "What's in this you are applying haldi for you friend", "What are you doing...why are you calling her know she is a widow right...she shouldn't apply haldi on Keerthi", "Yes Amita, don't you know it's bad omen if a widow applies haldi on the to-be-bride". Keerthi, Keerthi's mom and Madhu were getting irritated hearing such comments. These are the types of comments Geet always gets to hear whenever she goes for any wedding or baby shower functions, so she thought it was better she doesn't go but this time it was Keerthi's wedding, she wouldn't have missed it for anything. She didn't want to create any scene, but now that they had started it she wanted to finish it and show them it's all their stupidity and because of people like them that woman stop living their life's after loosing their husbands. She goes near Keerthi and applies haldi on her while Keerthi, Keerthi's mom and Madhu were smiling at her, "Are you deaf Geethanjali we were talking could you do this to your friend...don't you want your friend to lead her life happily with her husband", Geet smiles and goes near them "Aunty ji...don't you think you are taking too much stress shouting like this...and see Aunty it's all in the heart if you are a well wisher or not...these things called as bad still believe in them? seriously this is 21st century Aunty...everybody has a right to live their life as they want and you don't get a say in it...if I want to apply haldi on Keerthi I will...and moreover Keerthi's mom doesn't have a problem in it then what's your problem...I may be a widow but that doesn't mean I should stop living my life and people like you make us think that this is the end our life but it isn't I can live my life in my own terms...I can do anything and everything any other woman my age will can't tell me aunty what to do and what not to do...and this is my best friend's wedding and I will attend each and every ritual you like it or not...and you can consider it bad omen or whatever you want that's not going to stop me...and trust me Keerthi will lead a happy life with Arjun after their marriage", after this those women couldn't say anything.

Most of the people were happy that Geet gave a strong reply to those women who think of widows as a bad omen. Madhu, Keerthi's mom and Keerthi hug Geet "Oh baby what a reply you gave her", Keerthi "Yes Geetu those aunties will now think twice before opening their mouths to talk", Keerthi's mom "You are one strong woman Geet...always be like this...keep giving such replies to these people then only they will keep their mouths shut". Geet was happy that her family and friends always supported her, they always stood with her in each and every step of her life and now she also had her Ajay who she knew would stand by her through her thick and thin, these are the thoughts that gave her the strength to fight and give such a reply to those women.

That's all for now guys.
Hope you all like it❤️
Happy Reading 💙
Yours lovingly

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