Chapter 7

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Geet goes back home after school gets completed, Madhu had been excited for Geet and Ajay's meeting, as soon as Geet comes back home, she goes to her to ask what happened "How did it go Geet" Geet sighs "I didn't sign the contract Maa...He is an arrogant and irritating jerk...he thinks that if I'm an interior designer I should do only that work and me working in a school reduces efficiency according to him...I really don't understand how Nanna works for him...I didn't tell him that I won't work the number of hours mentioned I just said that I will start from 1p.m but he didn't agree...I don't like people looking down upon any work you know na hell with him and his work...I came back" Madhu's face falls hearing that their first encounter was a complete failure "Okay okay leave it...come have lunch" Geet "Maa I'm not hungry...I'll have later" Madhu "No no your coming now...I know else you won't have" Geet "Maaa...(she then sighs knowing her mom won't agree) fine I'll come" Madhu smiles "Good"

Vishakha goes back to office after her check up is completed, she finds out from Anushka that Geethanjali had not signed the contract and he asked her to search for a better designer, hearing this she storms into his cabin in anger. Vish "What the hell Ajay...what is this I'm hearing you sent away Ms.Iyer" Ajay "Vish though you are my best friend and MD should knock before entering the cabin" Vish "I don't care...I want to know the reason why she walked out without signing the know she is the best" Ajay "That woman is full of attitude...come on I just told her she can't work 2 jobs at the same time...she walked out I'm not responsible for this" Vish "Seriously Ajay...I know you very well...I'm your best friend I'm 100 percent sure that you wouldn't have just said that" Ajay rolls his eyes "Come on Vish you know I don't like people doing two jobs at a time...and you know I have given chances to such people before but what happened...they took advantage of it they become lazy...even you have seen them" Vish sighs "She could be different...come on Ajju give her a chance...maybe she is know nobody can think the way you think when you finally found someone why let them go" Ajay "No Vish I will make sure to find a better designer than her" Vish was again raging with him being stubborn of not bringing Geethanjali back "Okay Ajay I give you a week's time you get a better designer or bring Geethanjali back", saying this she leaves from there. Ajay thinks to himself, I'll make sure to bring someone better than her...I know nobody till date has been able to understand my mind and do the designs as I want like she did...but I can't take any risk with my project.

A week passes still Ajay was not able to get a designer as good as Geet, Vish goes to his cabin "Now are you going to bring her back or should I go" Ajay "I'm not bringing her back Vish" Vish was glaring at him "Ajay Chowdhary I'm asking you for one last no I'm I'm not asking I'm ordering you go bring her back" Ajay rolls his eyes "You can't get me to do anything Vish...this isn't our personal life that you can blackmail me into doing...this is purely professional and I'm the CEO and my decision stays" Vish was huffing in anger "Fine do whatever you want...when the investors come to know that you got the best designer yet you let her go just because you have seen some people slacking off doing two jobs they will loooveee it rightttt". Vish being his best friend knew when to speak what to convince Ajay and when it come to professional work he loves perfection and Geethanjali was the perfect one for this project and Ajay knew it yet he was going on denying it but Vish had hit the right spot talking about their investors. Ajay starts thinking about what Vish said "No no...They will not know about Miss.Iyer...just be quiet Vish" Vish "Come on Ajay...some or the other way they are going to know about it so let it be...anyway why do you care you think only about your rules and regulations", he sits down thinking on what to do.

In this week Roshini and Madhu were thinking of other ways to make them meet when their first meet had turned out to be disastrous, that's when Roshini comes to know about the school in which Geethanjali works 'St.Mary's', that was where most of the kids in her NGO study and she had heard all about their art teacher 'Geethanjali Miss' from them when she visits them, they all love her so much. Roshini "You know what I'm thinking to send Ajay to the NGO so that he can meet with the kids and they will take him to their 'Geethanjali Miss'..." Madhu "Idea tho accha hai (Idea is good)...but do you think this will work out...this time when they meet will they talk properly to each other" Roshini "We just need to have hope" Madhu "Okay then maybe we can do this".

While Roshini and Madhu were thinking of this plan, Ajay was already at the NGO to meet the kids, he had been stressing out the past week not knowing what to do neither was he getting a good designer nor was he ready to call Geethanjali. The kids were his stress buster, he was waiting for them to return from school, they get down from the school bus and as soon as the kids see him they come running to him, seeing them brings a smile on his face instantly. He gives them all the chocolates he had brought for them and they take it happily from him, "Ajju Ajju", Ajay lifts the little girl who was calling him "Yes baby", she kisses his cheek as soon as he lifts her "Thank you", he smiles and puts her down "Okay off you go kids...change, have lunch and come back today I'm going to spend with you", "Yayyyy" and they run to their rooms. NGO caretaker smiles seeing the kids and Ajay "You should come here often Ajay...the kids miss you", Ajay smiles "I know aunty but what can I do my work doesn't give me much free time...but I will try my best". The NGO caretaker gets a call while talking to Ajay, she attends it "Hello....oh no...I will come and pick her up...ohhh okay...thank you so much", Ajay "What happened Aunty you look worried", NGO caretaker "The driver left Ritu at the school itself...she was in the nurse room getting a band aid as she fell down while playing and these kids also didn't tell...thank go one of the teachers volunteered to drop her" Ajay "How dare he do that...I'll talk to him Aunty and we should definitely thank that teacher" NGO Caretaker "Yes she is coming here only to drop Ritu" Ajay "Okay Aunty". Soon the Ritu arrives with her teacher, Ajay was facing the other side, he was in a call, Ritu runs to him as soon as she sees him leaving her teacher's hand "Ajjuuuu", teacher tries to stop her "Ritu don't run baby...", Ajay turns around hearing his name and sees Ritu running to him and smiles and picks her up but as soon as he sees the teacher his smile turns into shock, am I hallucinating or that her...but why is she she here if it's really her. The teacher was also in complete shock seeing Ajay, is that really him...wait did he smile seeing no it can't be him...he's an arrogant jerk...I'm going mad...I should leave.

That's all for now guys.
I think you already would have guessed the teacher😉
Hope you all like it❤️
Happy Reading 💙
Yours lovingly

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