You walked softly to the table, careful not to disturb the party like vibe of the living room, and gently placed the plates in their proper settings. Collecting silverware and cups you filled the same pattern, even including a smaller setting for the beloved pet rock. Your mind tingled with thoughts about Sans' secret room and the possibilities branching from each prospective answer he might have.

You pondered in silence until you felt a sudden push as you went to turn. You'd run directly into Sans, whom had silently appeared when Frisk moved to dance with Undyne and Alphys. Your face flushed red, like you'd been caught in shameful act. "Oh. Hey Sans" you sputtered, quickly stepping back.

The look in his sockets was cold, almost dejected in a way. "I guess Papyrus is almost done then?" He asked, looking to the kitchen. "He thought a nice meal might lure you home if you caught wind of it, and he hoped by inviting Undyne it would give his best friends a chance to become best friends."

You nodded to his exposition. "Makes sense."

He stood quietly, looking at you as you stood silently holding 2 stacked cups and an according amount of silverware. Releasing yourself from his gaze, you turned back to your work as he stared, soon finishing and walking around the table to find your own seat. In a clear voice, you bellowed "Come on y'all! Papyrus has dinner ready!"

Frisk looked at you excitedly. Removing his shoes and running to claim a seat at your side. Undyne and Alphys followed quickly after and then only Sans stood, watching you before slowly seating himself as Papyrus arrived with an obnoxious amount of pasta bathed in white sauce, you assumed Alfredo by the scent, and easily too much edible glitter. But, you dove in.

Papyrus gushed over you return, fantasizing how his two close friends could now become even closer friends and how it would be incredible to do the 'bestest of best friend things together.' You and Undyne shared an uncertain glance, but smiled politely with matching slow nods. You had gone into dinner mode, making nice conversation and piloting to appear as pleasant and natural as possible. It was an incredibly useful still at meals staffed entirely by stiff necked politician and high profiles.

However the quiet glances of your newly mysterious companion bugged you. Your eyes darted to Sans, his own face directed down at his plate. He reached into his hood fishing around for a second before suddenly stopping. He started blankly for a second into nothing, glancing at you then retracting his hand. Curiosity filled you in that moment, wondering what he was looking for, and why it might lead him to direct his attention at you.

Averting your eyes again, you looked down at your plate. Your stomach churned and you pushed away the half of the pasta left on your plate with a dramatic sigh. "Lord Papyrus, I don't know what you do to make pasta just so filling! I can't eat anymore." You announced loudly, smiling to your tall skeletal companion.

"I'll eat it!" Frisk butted, taking your plate and dumping the contents onto his own plate.

You chuckled softly and patted his head. His hair was slightly damp with sweat, but still was soft. For a moment you stroked his hair, looking at him affectionately. "Yeah, you gotta keep your energy up Frisk! You burn so many calories a day I worry you'll turn into a skeleton like these two bone heads." Sans looked up, buy didn't laugh. Papyrus, rather than scold you for your shameless pun became excited for a moment.

"Frisk might join us in the rank of monsters if he loses enough weight?! Well why not?!" He declared excitedly.

You smiled nervously and shook your head. "No Papyrus, I meant something else."

"Well what did you mean?" He rebutted, becoming confused.

You met his pleading gaze and felt your heart swell with sympathy. "Well Papyrus, it means Frisk would get real weak ya know? Can't can if you get weak. And we humans can't really become monsters."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2021 ⏰

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