"Hop in... let's go home..and..",

"I want to...I want to go home alone, P'", Saint trailed that made Zee frown.

"We came here together, we'll go home together Saint..", Zee now changed his pitch for Saint's sudden action. He's still could not understand why Saint cried all of a sudden, apologizing all of a sudden, and his emotional turmoil after hearing Sam Denovan.. knowing he's Tutor.

"Go home, P', in your house...I want to be alone..", Saint added as he turned his back from Zee. "... please, go home", Saint started to walk away but a strong grip from his wrist made him turned to look back.

"What the hell! Why don't you just tell me about it! How am I supposed to know if you're being like this! I don't have the power to read someone's mind, Saint...you were just fine back then... what's going on you again.. don't be childish and talked to me, Saint!!", Zee yelled that made Saint flinch, Saint forcefully pulled his hand away from Zee's slowly getting hard grip.

"Yeah, P', I'm childish. What can you do?", Saint replied as he wiped the tears on his face, the redness on Saint's wrist now showed up that immediately made Zee to regret.

"I'm sorry, Saint.. I didn't mean to..",

"Please, P'Zee.. just..just go home.. without me..", Saint trailed walking away. Zee decided not to follow Saint but he could see Saint's body trembling as he walked away indicating he's once again crying. Zee pulled his hair out of frustrations, kicking the steering wheel.

"What the f*ck is going on with you, saint!", Zee exclaimed leaning on the car, looking to where Saint headed. He gasped when Saint's no longer on the sight. He immediately got into his car and driving to look for Saint on the way. Little did he knew that Saint only hid on the corner, letting him to pass through. He soon came out and started to walk without direction. He only felt coldness beneath him and tears making all of his face stingy and a mess. The truth is killing him more than he thought, his reality of living on with the heart of Zee's bestfriend,and first love slapped him with pain thrice the pain an actress could feel on their drama confrontations. He continued to walk around lifelessly, ignoring the stares he's getting from the strangers passing through him. He's too absorbed in pain too think of embarrassment. He needed to breath, and if he's next to Zee, he doesn't think he can. He suddenly felt ashamed and guilt whenever he faced the man. He should be down there instead of him, he should be already 6 feet under and not Tutor, Saint murmured as tears continued to flow down his cheeks. In his continuous walk, he ended up standing next to a swing over a kid's playground. He remembered he saw this place on the front page of Tutor's book. Sadness filled his heart, as he approached the cold, empty swing and slowly sat on it. Saint embraced himself as he started to tremble.

"Is this place meaningful to you?", Saint murmured and look up to the sky which he didn't knew turned to ash-gray. He smiled to think that it reflected on him well, it's all sunny earlier, just like him.. he's still happy back with Zee's company and yet now he's so scared. He's scared to tell Zee the truth. The truth of him snatching Tutor and Zee's chance to be together once again. He once again teared up. "I'm sorry, P'Tor..Can I call you that?", Saint murmured looking at the sky. "I bet you wouldn't,right?... I'm so sorry,P'", Saint bursted into a cry, opening his mouth to catch more air he's losing, chest goes up and down as if it wanted to explode. "I'm sorry that because of me, you lost the chance to live.. I'm sorry that I'm here instead of you, I'm sorry that.... that...that..I got to feel P'Zee's love instead of you.. I'm sorry that the doctor given up to you.. I'm sorry that... I'm..", Saint gasped, stopping as his breathing started to get rigid. "I'm sorry P', I'm sorry..", Saint stared at the sky till drops of rainwater fell on his face, but still he stayed there. The slow turned hard, the rain completely made Saint a wrenched as he stayed there. He doesn't wanna go home yet and he doesn't know if he could. The cold's getting him, worst his brain feels like malfunctioning. He's body's, his mind and may be his souls too tired to even leave the place he's currently staying at.


Zee's been driving around the area for almost an hour now, but he couldn't find him. He's trying to call him but he's not answering. It made him even feel worse knowing that Saint might be under the rainshower. He groaned on frustrations, reprimanded himself for shouting at Saint, for using force that hurt Saint's wrist. He should have understood even better, he thought. He's busy looking when a phone call arrived on him, he's hoping it's Saint, but on his disappointment it's not. It's Park. Park took his phone number the last time they met, without any ado, Zee answered the phone call.

"Hey, is Saint with you?", He asked that made Zee gulped nothing.

"He... he's... I'm looking for him..",

"What! It's raining heavy? Where's he?",

"He suddenly ran away and I've been looking for him for an hour now..", Zee nervously replied.

"What the hell? Did you two fight?", Park exclaimed.

"No,...I wish we would..but it's not, he suddenly ran away without telling me any reason..", Zee replied honestly, his eyes turning glassy all of a sudden.

"Shit! Okay, okay...where are you? I'll help you find him..",

"Okay..thank you..", Zee hung up the phone and sent the coordinates on Park. Park immediately left from Earth's condo building and drove to look for Saint. On his way, his eyes scanned every section on there until a familiar back sitting in one of the swings caught his attention. He took a break and rushed towards that person.

"Saint!!", Park exclaimed that made Saint to slowly look at him. Park's eyes widen to see Saint's eyes swollen and face flushed, lips are already pale.

"P'Park..", he murmured as Park ran under the rain towards his direction.

"Why...the hell are you... what's with you? You know you're not allowed to...",

"That... person..P'..",

"What person?",..

"He's... he's... P'Zee's..",

"Let's talk later,Saint.. Let's get you out the rain..", but even before Park could successfully held Saint, Saint fell unto his shoulder. "Crap! I knew it..", Park immediately scoop him on his arm and rushed on the car. Securing Saint's on his car, he start his car and leave towards the hospital.


"You found him?", Zee's voice shook.

"Let's see each other in the hospital, he's unconscious..",


"I'll see you there..",


"Doctor Park..", Park put Saint on the bed and the  doctor came near him.

"Can you please check on after him..",

"What happened?",

"He fell unconscious... he's under the rain for a long time..",

"Isn't he the one...", Park nodded and the doctor nodded back. "I'll take care of him..please excuse us..", Park left Saint's bed and gave the doctor time to check on Saint. Zee soon arrived.

"How's he?", Zee asked worriedly.

"He's being check... what the hell happened?",

"I told you...he suddenly acted like that.. we didn't fight..we were just fine but..he started to cry..",

"All of a sudden?",

"Yeah.. after learning about Sam Denovan...",

"Excuse me?", Park tilted his head after hearing the name.. "Sam.."

"Yeah..he started to cry after..", Park shook his head and look at Saint.


"What's wrong?",

"That person.. he's Saint's donor..",  Park trailed and Zee's eyes open wide.

"S-Saint's donor.."

Chapter 28 done!
Oh my God! Why write this!😢😭
See ya 💕💕

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