ch. 11

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I woke from my nap, no longer feeling or seeing Korra in bed with me. It stung a little before I grasped reality once again. "She is not yours," I reminded myself quietly. Being in love with someone who has always been a part of your life is tragic, to say the least. Before I knew I was in love with her, I still wanted to be with her consistently. But when we were kids, it was easier. Now, we both have lives. Hers consists of being the Avatar. Mine consists of wanting to kiss my best friend until my lips are swollen.

Anyway, I change out of my work clothes, slipping back into my robes like a proper airbender. I leave my room, taking one last glance at it for some odd reason. I shake away this indescribable feeling and venture around the temple, searching for Korra. Instead of Korra, I found our new guests, Thing One, Thing Two, and Asami, along with Pabu. I love Pabu.

"Hey guys," I greet them. Pabu chirps, climbing onto my shoulder. I scratch underneath his chin, hearing small purrs rumble from him.

"Have you seen Korra?" Mako asks, concern laced in his voice.

"Uh, no," I said, shaking my head. "Not since I fell asleep."

"Can you help us find her? You know her better than anyone!" Bolin pleads dramatically as if she's gone missing. At least he cares

"Yeah," I replied, giving Pabu back to Bolin. Bolin runs off, Mako following close behind. Asami and I walk side-by-side, following the boys. Asami was oddly quiet. Not just normal quiet, anxious quiet. "What's wrong?" I asked her, making her snap her head in my direction.

"N-nothing! Why do you assume something is wrong?" Asami answers defensively.

"You know. don't you?"

"Know about what?"

"Korra likes Mako."

"I knew that I wasn't crazy," she whispered. "How did you figure it out?'

"She looks at him like I look at her," I said softly, training my gaze on Mako. Him and Bolin are looking around, almost frantically, as they call out for Korra. "It's not a good feeling. I'm sorry you feel it, too."

"We really are just a pair, huh?" she comments, bumping into my side lightly. I looked over at her, being met with an empathetic smile.

"Yeah, we are."

"Korra? You out here?" Mako calls out. Pabu runs in front of us, disappearing through a bush.

"Korraaa!" Bolin calls out along with Mako. I follow Pabu through the bush, finding him licking Korra's face as a show of affection as she sits on the ledge of a cliff overseeing the water. Korra allowed the affection as if she was searching for it already.

"Guys!" I shouted. The three walk through the bush like Pabu and I did. Korra turns to us then immediately turns away.

"There you are," Bolin says, reaching down so Pabu can climb onto him. "Are you okay?" he asks, his voice filled with worry.

"I'm fine," Korra lies. She's a terrible liar. I take it upon myself to sit next to her. She doesn't even flinch or react when I do. She just accepts the fact that I'm there.

"Come on, what's wrong? You can tell us," Mako is persistent with his words.

"How am I supposed to save this city when I can't even learn airbending?" Korra says, turning her head towards us. "I'm the worst Avatar ever!" She turns her head away and lets it hang down. "I just feel alone."

"No, that's nonsense! You're amazing!" Asami tries to cheer her up, regardless of whatever is happening with Mako. I love Asami for that. She'll stick around until you give her an actual reason not to instead of letting speculation ruin things.

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