ch. 6

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I woke up the next morning, surrounded by my family. Something warm dwelled inside me. A feeling my body and mind had been craving considering the crappiness I've been experiencing as of late. But, the feeling had to come to an end when I rolled out of bed, returning to my own bedroom. I changed out of my pajamas into the airbender robes, looking presentable to society. I always have to look presentable. It's rather irritating.

I was placing my pajamas in with the rest of my dirty clothes when I heard a knock upon my door.

"Come in," I said, curious to know who would be at my door at this time in the morning.

"Hey." Korra's voice filled my ears like a sad symphony as she walked into the room.

"Oh, hey," I replied, trying to find a reasonable topic to talk about with her. Last night was going to make things more difficult between her and I. "Finals are today, right? Exciting."

"Are we okay?" She asked as I grabbed my shoes from my closet floor.

"Yeah," I answered.

We're not not okay. Korra really hasn't done anything wrong. I'm the idiot that fell in love with her.

"You sure?"

I could tell by the expression her face held that she was truly worried. I know Korra better than I know anyone, and I know that if she feels like she did something wrong she'd simply stop talking to me. I don't want that. I may be hopelessly in love, but I'm not stupid. I still want my best friend.

"Korra." I grab her by her shoulders and give her a tight squeeze. "We're okay."

A smile grew on Korra's face, replacing the worry almost instantaneously. "Okay. Are you doing anything today?"

"No." I shook my head as I responded.

"Want to hang out with me? I've miss you crazy bad," she said, making my heart flutter.

I blushed lightly, but it quickly faded once it got the hint of reality again. "I'd love to."

"Come on," she almost cheered, dragging me by the wrist as I finished placing on my shoes.

She took us both to the pro-bending arena where I'm sure we'd be meeting up with Mako and Bolin. I don't think I've even stepped foot in that arena without talking to them.

"Hey, stranger," Mako said walking up to me. Korra went over to Bolin, allowing Mako and I to talk for a moment.

"Hey, Mako," I replied.

"How are you? You haven't really been around."

"You worried about me?" I joked with an almost flirty smile— a smile I quickly wiped off my face like it was poison.

"Yeah," he replied seriously, taking me back a little.

"Well, I-I'm okay," I said.

"Asami has told me a lot about you." I freeze for a second, my mind racing a million miles a second.

She wouldn't tell him. Would she? No, she wouldn't. Asami's not like that. But what if she did? What if Mako hates me? I mean, it's not like him and I are winning any friendship awards, but I liked him to an extent. I dig his whole "leave me alone, I'm an asshole" vibe. Reminds me of someone else I know.

"She told me about how you were her first friend," Mako said, cutting through my thoughts like a boat through water.

"Oh," I sighed. "Yeah. She was mine, too."

"I'm glad she had someone as cool as you," he said with a smile, lightly tapping my shoulder.

"I try."

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