Chapter 1 (Roman's POV)

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Virgil and Logan got in through the door. It was 7:30 something pm, both Patton and I had been waiting for them. Patton had explained me the plan that he had helped Logan make, so he could ask Virgil out. Even tho it hurt me that we wheren't together, I was gald that at least he was happy. Because that's what mattered. 

They entered through the door, holding hands. Logan smiled brighter than I had ever seen him smile before, and Virgil... he looked beautiful. He also smiled, and this time he wasn't hiding it. No sleves over his mouth, no smirks, no coughing, just a plain, true smile. I hid my tears with the avility that only a true actor had, and hugged them both.

"I'm so happy for you guys," I told them.

"Thanks man," Virgil replied, once the hug ended. 

I shook my head, trying to focus on the present, which each day I found harder and harder. That had happened three weeks ago already. I needed to let Virgil go. I needed to forget my feelings for him, but it was hard. So, so hard.

It's not like I have nothing better to do tho. History of theatre is a boring class. It could be more interesting if the profesor wasn't a bitch. The only thing he did was putting power points and reading them from his desk. Everyone knew he didn't care for our grades, and that he'd rather be elsewhere. I sighed and hid my head between my arms, waiting for this torture to end.

The class finished after what felt hours. I was picking up my stuff when a girl aproached me. She was probably one or two years older than me, but I had seen her around before, so she had probably failed a few times. She had dark brown hair, fair skin, green eyes. She was wearing a purple blouse and a white skirt. Slight blush tinted her cheecks, and it didn't seem as if she liked coming here and talking to me.

"Hi, is there something I can-" I started, but she cutted me off.

"Shut up jock. I'm only here to give you this," She said, handing me over a folded piece of paper.

"Oh, um... thanks. What is it...?" I asked.

"A friend asked me to give it to you. It's his number," She explained.

"Cool, uh..." I looked at the piece of paper she had gave me, "Hey, who is-" when I looked up again, she was gone, "Weird..." I mumbled. 

I put the piece of paper in my pocket, not sure if I should text the number or not. I'll ask Patton later, I now have to go to my next class...

The day passed monotome and boring, as it always did. But today, I had a new motive for wanting it to end, and it was that mysterious phone number. When I got out of campus, I walked with Patton to the dorm building. I had thought about telling him what had happened and asking him for advice, but for some reason I didn't. Normaly, I told him everything, but this time I felt as if it was a better idea to keep it as my little secret. Is it stupid? Probably. It's just a phone number. What's special about it?

When I got home, I went directly to my room. I picked the paper out of my pocket and stared at it. Is it a good idea or not? Should I text it or not? This whole situation was so, so strange. It smelled fishy. 

Still, I slowly started to typed the number on my phone. I breathed in deeply and started texting

xxx xx xx xx

Roman: Um


unknown: Hello

I was waiting for you

Roman: who are you exactly?

What's your name and all?

Unknown: Oh, names. 

You can call me Dee

Roman: Dee? What kinda name is that?

Dee: Is the... shorten version of my name

Roman: which is?

Dee: Oh, come on Ro. Don't you think it's much more intreeging like this?

Roman: ...

I guess...

What do you want anyways?

Dee: Well, I saw you across the corridors of campus a few times, and I wanted to aproach you because you seem like a great person, being so handsome and smart, but I'm too shy for that, so my dear friend offered to give you my number for me.

Roman: wow, I'm flattered

Dee: really? aren't you used to get compliments wherever you you?

Roman: no, actually

Dee: I'm surprised! You really deserve better

Trust me, I know what I'm saying.

Roman: Well, thanks Dee!

Dee: It's a pleasure

I smiled. It really had been a long time since someone had said something nice to me, if we don't count Patton. He's really sweet, but honestly, it becomes a bit tiring to hear him compliment everyone and be so exiting by everything that happened. Is that selfish? Maybe. But right now, I just wanted to concentrate on my new friend Dee

ANd that's on Chapter 1! We start strong, don't we, huh? Can y'all see where this is going?

I'm so exiting by writing part two. When I started With You I never thought I'll get so far, and now I'm writing a second book!? I'm proud of myself. I love you guys!

And until the next time, take it easy guys gals and non binary pals!

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