FOUR: mall

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"I feel bad for leaving him!" I whined and pulled James closer to my chest.

"We are going to be gone for just a few hours. He may not even need to eat within that time! He will be okay! He won't even remember." Michael rested his hand on my arm.

"What if he feels neglected?" I pouted.

Michael blinked. "Neglected?" He giggled. "Penny, we shoved our love down his throat. You have given everything to him. It's time for you to be a little selfish, and give some to yourself."

I stayed quiet. I felt guilty for leaving him, like I was being a bad mom. But Pia had been staying with us for awhile and had gotten used to James and his personality and needs. She was starting to feel like family, and so was Omer. Omer loved it here and Michael and him were starting to become good friends.

Pia said that Michael was right, I should take a bit of time for myself. So Michael and I were going to the mall. He called ahead and requested that it be empty when we arrive, he paid extra for that. He said we could get my favorite food and that he would pay for anything I wanted.

James squirmed in my arms and huffed. I kissed his warm, soft head and sniffed his curls that smelled of sweet coconut. "I love you my baby." I whispered and kissed his ear. He grinned widely, his gums poking through. He had the same smile as Michael.

Michael and I walked into the mall. Bodyguards surrounded us while the silence of the mall rung in my ears. The floors were squeaky clean and the windows polished.

"Where to first?" Michael squeezed my hand.


"Perfect." He smiled.

I walked into Victoria's Secret and shuffled my way over to the wall full of glass bottles.

"Welcome to Victoria's Secret, do you need any help finding anything today?" A young woman with blonde hair asked. She was short and stared at Michael in awe.

"I think we are just browsing, but thank you!" Michael said and followed me to the perfume section.

"Oh look." I sniffed one of the bottles. "I-"

Michael walked over and sniffed it. "That's... sexy." He whispered. "Get it."

I giggled. "I already have this one!" I put it back on the shelf. "I wore it on our honeymoon." I smiled, the memories of that trip were great.

"No wonder..." He walked to a different section in the store.

I heard whispers coming from his direction and saw him talking to the woman who spoke to us when we entered the store. I squinted my eyes and walked a bit closer. I couldn't make out what they were saying but I didn't like the feeling it gave me. I waltzed over the them but she quickly shuffled away with a few items of clothing in her hands.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"She was asking if I was dating anyone." He looked in her direction as she walked to the fitting rooms.

My eyebrows furrowed. "What...?" I scoffed.

Michael giggled. "I'm just kidding! She was helping me with something. Go to the fitting rooms and you will see." He winked and pushed me in that direction.

The fitting rooms had dark red curtains and dim lights. What's the point of having such dim light in a fitting room. I could barely even see myself in the damn mirror. I searched around and saw a few things hanging. They were tiny and lace. It was lingerie.

i can't help it, the sequel (mj fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat