ONE: Push

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HEEEEYYYY GUYS!! Welcome to the first chapter of the sequel to I Cant Help It. If you haven't read the first part then please do that now! The story will make more sense and will be much better if you do. I hope you enjoy ❤️


I squeezed my eyes shut while another contraction worked itself through me.

"We're here." Michael whispered in my ear.

Bill had called security to meet us at the hospital. There were two black cars surrounded ours filled with familiar security guards.

"Breathe. Are you okay to walk?"

The contraction calmed down and I became more comfortable. "Yeah I'm okay."

"Securities already out here so don't worry." Michael said again, reassuring me.

Michael had called Dr. Jones to tell her the baby was coming. She alerted the hospital to tell them to be prepared for chaos when delivering the baby.

Usually they say to wait to come in to the hospital until the contractions are about 5-7 minutes apart but with our "special circumstance"... aka this is Michael Jackson's baby, Dr. Jones and we decided for us to come in early. Especially since we live so far away, we wouldn't know how long I would be in labor.

Michael held my arm while Bill held my other. I stepped out of the car and breathed in the fresh air. "Bruce can you get the bags?" Bill called back to a security guard. I wobbled towards the sliding doors. It was still dark outside and all was quiet for no one knew we were here yet.

Bill walked up to the front desk while I sat on a bench with Michael, taking deep breaths. I saw a little kid standing at the end of the hallway holding a half eaten Snickers bar. His eyes were wide and his mouth hanging wide open while he stared at Michael, who didn't seem to notice the little one.

I saw Dr. Jones walk down the hallway and pass the young boy. "Mr. and Mrs. Jackson! Are you ready?" She smiled and rubbed her hands together. Michael eagerly nodded while I shrugged, not wanting to endure the pain. She walked over with a wheel chair. "Here we go!" She pushed me down the hall while Michael held my hand, security followed behind us.


I groaned. "I feel like my body is splitting in half." Michael kissed my sweating head.

"Lemme put your hair back." He grabbed a tie and pulled my hair into a low pony tail. "You're doing great."

I had been experiencing contractions for 7 hours.

"Oh..." I moaned while another heavy ache took ahold of my body. I stood up and turned around, my arms resting on the bed while Michael pushed on my aching back.

"You are doing such a good job." He massaged my lower back and sides.

"I'm gonna be sick." Michael grabbed the trash bucket and pulled it up towards my face. He looked away while I threw up in the bin. "Ouch." I winced and grabbed my stomach.

His hands pushed against my back, rubbing around and applying much needed pressure. I stood up as the contraction faded away. "You should take a shower. It'll feel good." He suggested while I turned around.

"I want to die right now." I said and rubbed my eye.

Michael smiled. "You're doing great Penny. Honestly. This is a magical experience." He paused. "Let's get you in the shower." Michael pressed the button so that a nurse would come in and see if it would be alright for me to take one.

There was a bathroom connected to our hospital room that the nurse led us to. She untied my gown and helped me out of it. "I'll check on you." She smiled kindly and left the room.

i can't help it, the sequel (mj fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now