Void Stiles Part 2

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The Survivors and the people in the pack who had not been there when Stiles was possessed by the Nogitsune were still trying to process everything they had just seen and learned. Vince makes a face of confusion when he realizes something didn't add up. "Wait, I'm still confused about something. At the end of the video, it showed you guys killing the Nogitsune but Stiles was standing next to Lydia. If the Nogitsune possessed him, how were they, two different people?" 

Before anyone could answer Ruby spoke up, "Great question, the next couple clips will show you how the Nogitsune and Stiles split from each other."

The Survivors look at the screen with interest, wanting to know what else has happened to their leader.

Lydia's car is parked in an empty parking lot and a body lies a couple of feet away from the car. The doors to the car open and Aiden and Lydia run out of the car towards the body. As they got closer, Aiden holds Lydia back. The camera then moves onto the body's face and it shows Stiles passed out. 

The Survivors suck in a breathe. Seeing Stiles like that brings back memories of Stiles passing out in the berg after he was shot.

Stiles is then seen looking lifeless and being carried by Scott and Aiden. "The couch. Put him on the couch." The two breathe heavily as they continue to carry Stiles and sit him up on the couch. Melissa, Deaton, and Lydia stand close behind them. The two boys step away and Deaton gets closer. "Guys this is crazy. He needs to be in the hospital." Scott looks at her, "Mom, remember what happened last time we went to the hospital."

"Ya, probably not the best idea," Gally mentions. Minho looks over at him and hits him over the head. "She knows, she was just worried." Gally rubs his head. "Idiot," Minho mumbles. Gally glares over at him and Minho gives him an innocent smile.

Deaton moves Stiles's shirt to show a cut across his stomach. "Doesn't look like he is bleeding. I think he might even be healing." "You mean healing as we do?" Aiden asks. "That's good right?" Scott looks towards Deaton. "For him yes. For us... I'm not so sure." 

"What was the cut from?" Brenda asks. Stiles shutters. "The Nogitsune sliced my stomach and flies came out of it. If you get infected with them chaos would erupt around you with you as the cause."

Aiden steps forward next to Deaton and Scott, "Well if we're not going to kill him, why aren't we at least tying him down with really big chains?" Deaton grabs his bag. "I might have something more effective." Lydia stares at Stiles with disbelief and worry. Deaton pulls out a small glass container. He looks towards the two boys and they move and grab Stiles's head to open his mouth. Deaton opens the bottle and takes out the dropper. He squeezes the liquid into Stiles's mouth. 

The Survivors look both confused and worried about what liquid Deaton was giving Stiles.

Stiles open up his eyes and quickly grabs one of Aiden's hands, his other hand goes around Aiden's neck. Scott freaks out. "Get him off me." Scott continues to struggle against Void Stiles's strength. "Get him off me." They finally get his hand off and Aiden falls back into Lydia. Void Stiles's hand begins to shake and he looks up a Deaton, "Kanima venom. Nice touch," Void Stiles breaths out shakily. 

"Ohhhh, that's what you gave him," Aris says and the rest nod in understanding. "That's why you needed my Kanima venom," Jackson makes a look of realization. "It would paralyze him long enough for us to come up with a plan," Deaton elaborates on his thinking.

Aiden walks forward and growls at him. "You know they say that twins get feelings when the other ones in pain. You didn't lose that talent too did you?" Aiden stares at Void Stiles not knowing what to do. "Oh, I hope not. You're gonna need it." Scott looks away from Void Stiles and towards Aiden. Aiden looks back at him. "Ok, I'll give a little hint. Ethan's at the school." "Go!" Scott says to him. Aiden runs out of the house. Void Stiles watches him go and laughs. "I hope he gets there in time. I like the twins." He turns towards Scott. "Short tempers. Homicidal compulsions. They're a lot more fun than you buck-kimono trying to save the world every day." 

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