Teen Wolf Season 3a: Alpha Pack

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The screen lit up and the video was about to start before Stiles interrupted. "Ethan." Said boy looked towards Stiles. "Just know we forgave both you and your brother after these events. This is the past." Ethan gave him a small smile and a slight nod in appreciation.

The screens black and then words are produced on the screen "Revenge is coming." Someone's hand is seen lightly touching a metal table. A girl is then seen screaming before her feet start dangling as she's pulled up a wall. 

"Heather," Stiles quietly whispers before looking down. Noah turned and gave his son a small smile.

Lydia sits on her bed, "I have no clue how I ended up finding that body." Lydia is at a pool late at night. 

Lydia shivers, "God, I hated that night."

A boy is dead against a tree with blood on their face. Stiles, Scott, and Isaac look on in despair. 

"Holy shit," Minho says shocked looking at the screen. "What happened to him?" Aris asked. "The three-fold death. An evil Darach, who posed as our English teacher, was committing human sacrifices in order to gain power," Stiles said and shrugged like it was nothing. The Survivors looked at Stiles like he was speaking gibberish. 

An arrow is seen before it goes out of focus and Allison is shown. "I thought you'd stay out of all of this," Scott says. A ring dagger is then lopped around her finger, "I can take care of myself," Allison responds. Someone is flipped in the air and lands on the ground.

Brenda smirked at the screen, "Yes, another badass woman." The room erupted with laughter.

Scott, Stiles, and Isaac walk away from the crowd. Stiles looks at the two incredulously, "Am I the only one recognizing the lack of werewolf-etude in these murders?"

"Werewolf-etude?" Derek looks at Stiles questioningly. "What?! There were no claw marks or anything that seemed like a werewolf committed the murder, it was all stuff humans could do. Plus I think the word does it justice." Derek just rolled his eyes.

Derek stands in the middle of his dark apartment with water coating the floor. He looks up and his eyes glow alpha red. 

"So if these aren't random killings what are they?" Scott asks and Stiles just looks down. 

"Scotty I told you - human sacrifices," Stiles looks towards Scott with a 'duh' look.

Lydia kneels down and stares at her hands in shock, seeing them covered in blood.

Kali stands glaring as Aiden comes up behind her.

Within a school classroom, everyone starts kneeling and trying to find shelter as crows fly in the room. Jennifer Blake is holding onto Isaac screaming for everyone to get down. 

"Ohhh, that teacher's hot," Minho smirks. "Ya, she's the murderer," Stiles says while staring at Minho. "Oh," Minho says in a disappointed tone.

Isaac looks up, "What do we do now?" Werewolf packs walk towards the old factory. "We need help," Scott's voice comes out in an overview. Chris holds up a gun pointed at Scott. Scott appears on the screen, "From someone who knows how to hunt werewolves."

Melissa turns towards Chris, "How many times have you held a gun at my son?" Chris looked at her sheepishly, "Ummm... too many?" Melissa glared and Chris just gave her a small smile, "Love you?" "Ya, ya." Scott laughed at the two.

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