Blood must have blood part 2

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Thea and Clarke were running down the reaper tunnels towards the door when Thea held up her sword blocking Octavia's when they turned the corner

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Thea and Clarke were running down the reaper tunnels towards the door when Thea held up her sword blocking Octavia's when they turned the corner

"Easy O, it's just us." Thea said

Octavia put her sword down and walked back in the direction she came from, "Octavia, you stayed." Clarke said slightly surprised

"Screw you Of course I stayed. I know where my loyalties lie." Octavia said

"What is up with you two?" Thea asked

Octavia turned around and said, "Clarke didn't get everyone out of TonDC just herself and Lexa."

Thea looked to Clarke who sighed and said, "Okay, save this tension for another time we need to get in there."

"If that was possible, do you think I'd still be out here? Why did Lexa sound the retreat?" Octavia asked

"She made a deal with Mount Weather, freed the Grounders, and now we're on own." Clarke said

Clarke walked over to the door and started to bang on it, Octavia rushed forwards and grabbed her arm, "Stop! They'll know we're here."

Clarke turned away and Octavia turned to Thea, "What about Lincoln or Arlo no way they would go along with a plan like that."

"They didn't, they took them." Thea said and Octavia sighed 

Clarke then took a pistol off of Thea's trousers and aimed it at the lock, but Thea quickly took the pistol off of her, "What is wrong with you?" Octavia asked

"I am getting through that door." Clarke said

Thea scoffed and said, "And that's your plan? Bellamy is counting on you. Everyone's always counting on you."

"Well, what do you want from me?" Clarke snapped,

Octavia stepped forwards and said, "You trusted Lexa. You let a bomb drop on Tondc. You let all those people-"

Clarke cut Octavia off saying, "I am doing the best I can."

"Yeah well it's not good enough." Octavia said

Sinclair (1)- 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓗𝓾𝓷𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓭Where stories live. Discover now