Chapter 12 ~ Not ready to let go

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Giselle's POV: 

Giselle: i just got off the phone with Zack's parents and the funeral arrangements... They don't know they have a granddaughter. it's not our place to say it Lily's place to tell them.

Rosalyn: Imagine what they going through right now. I understand because..

Giselle: because what baby? tell me..

Rosalyn: i had a son, after Delilah, he was only 5 some one came up to him at school while i was picking him up and stab him right in front of me. Doctors did everything they can but couldn't save him, that's why I've disappear from this area, to get away from my ex he the one who killed my son.

Giselle: I'm so sorry bebe i didn't know

~Giselle went over to Rosalyn and kissed her softly and hugged her~

Giselle: i love you so much Rosa

Rosalyn: i love you too babe

Lily's POV: 

~think i should go to Zack's house and let them see Anna. As i walk home, i pick up Anna and kissed her. 

Giselle: You going to see Zack's parents?

Lily: Yes mama, I'll be back.

Giselle: Okay be careful.

Rosalyn: And don't stay to late 

Lily: I won't i promise

~As i was walking i saw Delilah and that girl Gabriella i think that's her name across the street, I have to cross to go to Zack's parents house, so I did I crossed and Delilah said my name so I turn around and said "hi".

Gabriella: Hi Lily

~Lily's POV: Woah this Gabriella chick is smoking hot, as i sighs. i do miss Delilah. but she loves her i can't do that to them both.. 

Lily: Hey 

Gabriella: Omg is that your baby? 

Lily: y-yes

Gabriella: She's so adorable

~Delilah clears her throat~

Delilah: So where you going?

Lily: Zack's parents house, i want Anna get to see her grandparents, Anna looks like Zack so much, i miss him 

~kisses Anna's head~

Delilah: who named her?

Lily: Zack... Her name is Anna Tara Hernandez

Delilah: pretty name

Lily: Nice to see you again..

Delilah: oh um you too 

~As Lily walks away Delilah kept staring at her, Gabriella noticed but try not to seem sad.~

At Zack's Parents House: 

Rachel: Zack's mom=Age:29, Daniel: Zack's Dad=Age:34, Zaiya: Zack's Older sis=Age:19

Rachel: Come in and whose this cutie? 

Lily: your grand daughter Anna 

Rachel: May I?

Lily: Yes.

~Lily walks over to Zack's Mom and hand Anna gently in her arms.~

Rachel: She looks just like Zack so much (sniffs)

~Daniel (zack's dad) walks in the house and sat down next to his wife and look at Anna, few minutes later, Zaiya (Older sis of Zack) came in from her friends house~

Daniel: Zaiya? Where were you?!

Zaiya: Chill pops i was just at a friends house 

Rachel: I want you to meet your niece

Zaiya: Nah I'm good 

Daniel: Young lady, just because you're grown don't mean you don't respect us because you still live under our roof!

Zaiya: ok

~Zaiya shrugs as she gently pick up Anna and start to tear up because she looks just like Zack, she hand Anna back to me~

Zaiya: looks just like Zack

8:00pm: time to go home:

Rachel; Lily sweetie do you need a ride?

Lily: uh sure thanks

Rachel: Zai can you give Lily a ride home please

Zaiya: fine

~Rachel came over to Lily and kiss Anna's head, as Lily gets in Zaiya car~

~It was quiet car ride, until Zaiya broke silence~

Zaiya: so..

Lily: so...what? (holding Anna in my arms) 

Zaiya: Nothing, just can't believe zack is gone

Lily: me too i miss him so much

Zaiya: if you ever want to talk I'm here

Lily: Thanks

~they arrive at lily's house, Zaiya clears her throat~

Zaiya: So a friend of mine is throwing a college party and i was wondering if you want to go?

Lily: Sure

Zaiya: Text me ok, and if you need anything for Anna or you, don't hesitate to ask me, she is my niece, I'm here for you 

Lily: Thanks Zai, Love you.

Zaiya: Love ya too and kiss Anna's head for me

Lily: bye

~Lily waves bye and walks inside and feeds Anna, then changes her diaper and put a sleeper on her and rock her to sleep and set her in her crib, as i walk over to my mom and Rosalyn.~

Giselle: how was it? 

Rosalyn: and how are you Mija?

Lily: I'm okay, It went good Ma. 

Giselle: Mija? 

Lily: Yes Mom?

Giselle: It will take time to heal, you need to let it out, it's ok to cry

Rosalyn: Yes sweetie we are here for you

~Mom and Rosalyn hold their arms out and i hugged them and sobs~

Delilah's POV: 

Delilah: Baby you ok?

Gabriella: Ye-yea I'm fine

Delilah: tell me princessa 

Gabriella: You still love her?

Delilah: wh-who?

Gabriella: Lily

Delilah: no! I love you, and i don't regret bein with you either. 

Gabriella: y-you love me? 

Delilah: of course i do babe, C'mere

~Gabriella went over and sit on Delilah's lap and started kissing her~ 

(Here's chapter 12! Enjoy:) ~Neecole)

Find My True Self (GxG)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora