Chapter 17

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Y/N was woken up early by Kaoru, who was smiling down at her with a soft look in his eyes. As Y/N sat up on her bed, she rubbed her eyes and looked over at Kaoru, smiling as he pressed a small kiss on her cheek. "Happy Birthday, Y/N~" Kaoru sweetly said, Y/N blushing as she remembered what day it was.

Y/N never had the chance to celebrate her birthday, as she was convinced by her mother that it was useless to. "Everyday is somebody's birthday." Y/N's mother would say to her whenever Y/N would bring up that today's was hers, "So why should we celebrate yours?"".

So, seeing somebody tell her "Happy Birthday" much less know that it was her birthday came to her surprise....and joy. Kaoru chuckled when he saw Y/N's blush, ruffling her hair as he told her "Come downstairs, I got something for you.". Y/N blushed even more, watching Kaoru leave her room.

"Does...Does he have a present for me?" Y/N thought, getting up from her bed and quickly going downstairs to see what Kaoru got her. As Y/N went down the last step, she looked over at Kaoru and saw that he was sitting on the couch, a long black box in his arms.

Kaoru noticed Y/N, smiling softly at her and motioned her to come over and sit down next to him. As Y/N did, Kaoru handed her the black box, saying to her "Open it, It's yours...". Y/N nodded, a small smile on her face as she slowly opened the lid of the box.

Y/N's eyes went wide with wonder when she saw what was inside

It was an electronic skateboard with (F/C) colored outlines. "Found about what happened with your old skateboard." Kaoru said, seeing a big smile appear on Y/N's face, "So, I made you a new one.". Just than, the (F/C) outlines on the skateboard began to glow as a robotic male voice came out from it saying "Hello Master."

Kaoru chuckled as Y/N gave him back the box, fearful over the skateboard now. "Don't worry, He serves you now" Kaoru said, handing the box back to Y/N. Y/N tilted her head, confused on what Kaoru meant. "He's like Carla, and he'll be your personal AI assistant as well as your skateboard from now on." Kaoru explained, Y/N now fully understanding and grabbing the skateboard out from the box.

"You still have to name him..." Kaoru told Y/N, Y/N looking down at the skateboard and shaking her head. "No, I want to try him out right now!" Y/N said, standing up and running outside to skate on the AI board. Kaoru laughed, about to get up from the couch and follow Y/N, but stopped when he remebered something.

Kaoru took a piece of crumbled paper out, straightening it and giving it a close inspection as he reread the bold words on the top of the paper. "CUSTODY BATTLE LOST" were what they said, making Kaoru try to hold back tears as he was now remined of what he was supposed to tell Y/N.

"Dad! Are you coming?" Y/N called out, Kaoru looking up to see that Y/N was now skating on the AI board. Kaoru crumbled the piece of paper in his hand and nodded, throwing it behind him as he got up and went to hwere Y/N was.

"I don't need to tell her now...."


It was late at night when Y/N heard noises come from downstairs, waking up from how loud they were. Y/N couldn't make out what the noises were, but it sounded like people talking. Y/N got up from her bed, quietly opening her door and heading downstairs to get a better listen to what was being said.

Y/N hid behind a wall, peaking around it to see that Kaoru was talking to two men wearing suits. "Dad?" Y/N thought, seeing that Kaoru had a frown on his face when he listened to the men wearing suits were talking to him about. Y/N went a bit closer, wanting to pay attention to what the two men were talking about....and wishing she could unhear it when she did.

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