06 | twinkle

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t w i n k l e

noun : a sparkle or gleam in a person's eyes.

THE ICE CREAM not exactly took me out from my own thoughts but it did calm me— barely I must said but there was no way I didn't give my thanks for the stranger beside me, eating his own ice cream, minding his own business, shoulder brushed each other with mine and all of that was done under the bridge right an hour before the sunset as the breeze was comfortable as ever.

"I don't know what to do."

It meant to stay inside my mind only, but it was too late when I said it out loud. Jungkook gazed side to his right, where I sat and looked anywhere but him, mostly the river water.

Then the guy next to me, still wearing his bucket hat, responded to my unintentionally-slipped-statement after licking— no, he bit his ice cream.

"What do you want to do?"

"I won't bother myself to ask if I know what to do."

"Then don't do anything, let's just sit here, waiting for a sunset and finish your ice cream."

Not exactly the response and advice I expected, though he might actually give me a way out from this cloudy mind. I sighed, tried so hard to sound disappointed, then shrugged.

Licking my strawberry cheesecake ice cream, then tasting the cold then followed by a sweet artificial flavor of strawberry, and a petite chopped strawberry here and there and yet it still had the sour taste of the cheesecake.

Nobody near us is putting myself in ease. I can't even imagine if someone is actually spotting him and things will turn chaos right after. But it sure sounds fun to run away from his fanatic fans like in a drama— shook my head from the wild thought, minding my own business and therapist myself while looking at the beauty landscape of Seoul.

"Hey Chaeyoung," he called me out of blue.

I hummed and turned to him while he was already staring at me with his black doe eyes, he continued, "why don't you come with me tomorrow?"

Furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, "huh?"

"We have this private party for BTS team and staff and I could really use a friend to go with."

Definitely dumbfounded, I blurted, "wait what? Why me? You will meet with your band members there?"

I stopped absurdly as a thought came to my mind, my eyes quiver slightly and stubbornly as I tried to brush off the thought, my brain betrayed me of course. "Unless they will bring plus one and you don't have one—"

"To be frank, yeah." He didn't even take aback from it. As if it was something he was about to come clean if I didn't bring it up.



Honestly, knowing Jungkook— er, for two days now— he somehow picked up a new hobby to surprise me with everything, so if I said no here, he might show off in front of my hotel room again like this morning and he probably will drag me down to that party he just said.

Exhaled shortly at the conclusion I shrugged, "meaning I don't have any choice..."

Again, it meant for myself but Jungkook could hear them and tried his best to make me repeat myself. I rolled my eyes as he flashing a cocky smile underneath those bucket hats and a background of endlessly river water and blue sky. It was beautiful.

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