the ultimate battle

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i couldn't stop thinking ever since that man told me to prepare. prepare for what?

the door unlocks (it takes a few minutes since it's heavily protected) but the same man finally walks into the room and grabs me by the arm.

"it's time."

i am taken into a room where murphy is sitting on a large throne, and jon is there too. when he sees me, he looks angry.

"i've brought you two here to show you who i really am. i am a ruler. someone you shall not DARE to disrespect." murphy yells

"but this isn't everything...... you have yet to see my TRUE FORM!" murphy suddenly jumps down from his throne and turns into a giant crab. he tries to grab me but i run out of his reach.

"EVERYBODY LOVES ME! YOU FAIL TO REALIZE HOW MUCH IVE DONE FOR YOU!" he slashes jon across the chest and stumbles over. i realize that we are both wearing golden armor and have a sword.

i jab at murphy, giving him a cut on his crab leg, and he backs away in pain. jon gets up and does the same.


murphy sends a special attack and sends lightning onto me, zapping me and i fall over in shock.

"(y/n)!" jon yells.

jon cuts off one of murphy's claws, and he is bleeding profusely.

"HOW DARE YOU?" murphy grabs jon with his other claw and he struggles to get out. i throw my sword at murphy's eye and he drops jon to the floor.

jon tries to cut off his other claw, but murphy dodges. murphy then pinches jon with his claw.


jon is hurt. i give him a garfield bandaid and he's all better.

murphy tries to pinch me, but he misses. i cut one of his claws, but not enough for it to come off.

"OW" murphy cries

he picks up jon and starts to crush him.


before he knew it, i run over and stab him right on his head.

"AAAAAAHHHH" murphy cries and shrinks down into a normal little crab.

"HOW DARE YOU? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" murphy squeaks

"awe" jon bends over and picks him up. he keeps pinching his hand

"GET OFF ME I SAY! GET AWAY!" he tries to run but i put a bowl over him and me and jon capture him. this will be our new pet.

we escape and make our way home.

"what should we name him?" i ask

"murphy is fine," jon says and flicks the plastic bowl.

you cant make it out but murphy is screaming little high pitches words and slapping the bowl.

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