Hyungwon took a deep breath to argue back but was interrupted by the door bursting open and light flooding into the dimmer room. "Back away from him!" Minhyuks raspy voice carried into Hyungwon's ears. "Or what?" Mr. Chae shot back, yet took his hand off of Hyungwon's throat. "I'll shoot," Minhyuk stated simply, glaring at the old man.

The old man raised his eyebrows a little and hit Hyungwon over the head with the taser in his hands. The man winced due to the pain but he didn't have much time to dwell on the pain as he was grabbed by his hair and pulled up a little so that his head was tilted upwards. The ex-hitman's hands shot up to try and get the man's grimy hand untangled from his hair.

Minhyuk gritted his teeth angrily when he saw how panicky and scared the younger was. He had heard enough over the line,  more than he honestly would have wanted. You could see how erratic his breathing pattern was and Mr. Chae was clearly having the time of his life basically abusing the fearful man. 

Hyungwon rarely showed any signs of discomfort or fear or anything on that scale; it pissed Minhyuk off. To see someone, who had grown to be a family member, be hurt made his blood boil. This old fuck was lucky it was only him and not Shownu or Wonho for that matter. The old grouch would get his shit rocked if it came down to it.

"What's this? You two work together now? I thought you had no one important, Hyungwon.." Mrs. Chae scoffed and rolled his eyes pressing the taser prongs against Hyungwon's neck. Hyungwon tried to move away from the taser to no avail. "He's not..." "You're a fucking traitor, Lee." The man said, interrupting the younger male's statement. Minhyuk let out a humored chuckle and stepped closer. "Can't exactly be a traitor if I'm not in a group." The silver head stated snarkily. It was a lie but Hyungwon didn't care. It was better if they don't know.

"As if. You wouldn't survive a day on your own." Minhyuk's eyes darkened at the statement. "You don't know me." He spat pulling back the slide on the gun.

"Now let him go," Minhyuk demanded gun still aimed. Mr. Chae hummed softly, yanking Hyungwon's hair a bit and earning a wince from the man. "Why should I? He's my kid." Hyungwon looked up at his teammate who cocked the gun towards the woman in the room. The woman instantly cowered. "I'll kill her." The ex-hitman was about to open his mouth to protest against what Minhyuk had just said but didn't get a chance. "You wouldn't do that. You don't hurt women or kids and we both know that" The old man laughed making Minhyuk frown.

"Minhyuk. Just go." Hyungwon muttered, making the silver head laugh but it was clear he was angry. "As fucking if." the man scoffed, rolling his eyes. "You know... I came in here, considering I wouldn't actually waste any bullets." Minhyuk sighed, angered by the fact that Hyungwon thought that the older would leave him behind.

A gunshot echoed in the room and Hyungwon closed his eyes, completely expecting to be used as a human shield. But that didn't happen. A pain-filled groan came from Mr. Chae and at the same time, the taser fell onto the floor with a loud clank the bullet stuck to the black casing. The hold in Hyungwon's hair loosened and he instantly scrambled up and towards Minhyuk. He brought a hand up to massage his aching scalp.  

"You little shit, Lee." Mr. Chae spat, holding his bleeding hand. The bullet had made a gruesome-looking hole in the man's flesh. "I warned you." The man stated calmly and lowered his gun.

"Let's go," Minhyuk muttered before clearing his throat.

"If I see anyone following us, I'll kill all of them." The silver head barked in a hostile tone and started pulling Hyungwon out of the room, fire raging in his generally calm eyes. "I'm sure we'll see each other soon enough. I missed you, son!" Mr. Chae yelled after the two, his tone flowing with mockery.

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