
"Hush, the women are talking," Marinette dismisses him as Mar'i continues her babbling. Damian made sure to do plenty of research when he heard about the baby, babbling is standard for a human 8 month old but since Mar'i is half Tamaranean she's also a bit more advanced in some ways. While Mar'i seems to understand more words than her counterparts would, she has less baby fat. Her doctor is concerned but Kor'i has reassured them she's fit as a fiddle.


"No, no, he's your family. I'm definitely not gonna do that. It's too cruel."

"What is?" He asks again.

"So, can you say Marinette? Has she said her first words yet?"

"No, though she's come close. So what? Now I can join the 'grown up conversation'?" Marinette shakes her head, squinting at the sun as it falls behind the tall canopy behind the manor grounds.

"We should head back inside, it's gonna be dark soon." Marinette nimbly stands, hands occupied with a squirming baby. Damian follows carrying his crutches before positioning them under his arms.

"So how much longer with the boot?"

"Not long, maybe a week or two. Back to normal in three."

"So fast?"

"The cut wasn't deep, their biggest concern is with the strength of my shins but we've got a physical therapist I've been working with." That's a lie, Alfred tells him what to do and checks the gash every day. A half lie really. Just a small half truth, the only thing wrong is who. Damian rationalizes as they walk back into the manor, he leads them back to the living room where all of Mar'i's things are set up.

In fact, Alfred is basically a physical therapist with all the injuries his family gets. So why does he have a bad taste in his mouth?

Walking back to the living room, Damian sees the goosebumps on Marinette's arms. Is she cold?

"I'm gonna go wash the dirt off and change her clothes." Marinette walks into the living room, grabbing clothes for the girl before walking to the kitchen.

"I'll be right back." Marinette gives him a little wave bye as she turns a corner, trying to stop Mari'i from getting her dirty hands all over her too. Damian turns around and starts making his way towards his room, it couldn't hurt to share. It'll be seen as a sign of good will, not weird at all.

Grabbing the sweater in his closet before making his way back to the living room. Marinette isn't back yet so he tosses the sweater onto the couch before putting down his crutches and sitting. Grabbing the remote, he goes to some streaming app to play Mar'i's favorite movie. The girl is obsessed with Up, a balloon will set her off into a frenzy of 'uh-uh's as she tries to demand the film. She seems comforted by the optimistic boy scout and old man as they go on a journey of 'self discovery.' Damian thinks Atlantis is better, but he can't blame the girl for liking the bright colors.

Marinette returns, her counterpart clean and dry in a fresh onesie. The goosebumps are gone, Damian feels like an idiot. Of course she isn't cold anymore, she isn't some child that needs to be doted on.

"All clean, uh why are you playing Up?" Damian motions for her to pass the baby who is now clumsily clapping when she sees the countless balloons attached to a familiar house.

"I saw you were cold, there's a sweater there," he offhandedly mentions as he gives Mar'i the remote.

"Is that a hoodie?" He turns to her, not seeing the significance. "You own a hoodie? You're capable of wearing normal clothes?" He rolls his eyes but stops short.

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