_2. Is my one...

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The calming spring breeze shifted through dark brown and grey strands of hair. Petals danced around their strong build, some occasionally landing on their heads or shoulders. The flower fragrance and pollen drifted guided by the wind. The patter of feet sounded in unity as it hit the pavement.

But it was horrendous.

Suna recoiled back in revolt at the numerous amount of coupled soulmates pranced on the pathways, some even climbed the sakura trees with occasional PDA. A policy that is explicitly restricted from doing on the park regulations.

Suna grabbed Osamu's arm and veered over to an empty and clearer path, away from people.

"So what didja wanna do 'ere?" Samu's lips rested on his straw idly, by no means sipping from the liquid. Suna replied by snapping a picture of them with the dainty blossoms. Osamu peered over his shoulder to see the outcome and what he was trying to accomplish with the surprise photoshoot.

The photo turned out nicely with the tree branches providing enough lighting, and the pink petals a scenic background. Suna held his half-empty cup up as two fingers stuck out, with his usual half-lidded gaze. Osamu stood behind the other, both hands curled around the plastic cup that was brought to his mouth. The straw was a touch away with his lips parted slightly, his face was unbothered and generally relaxed to a degree.

Suna typed rapidly with Samu peering over in curiosity. A notification popped up after a second but Samu didn't seem to mind because he knew Suna had been the one to initiate it. He posted the picture that held a caption.


'Graduation was alright, kinda boring.'
Went with Samu to a Cafe

#graduation #inarizakivbc #ditchedatsumu #whydoloverslikecherryblossoms #cancelcliches #cancelsoulmateblossoms #wheremysoulmateat


"Suna, 'ave you been up to date with your soulmate symbols? Didntcha get those hints?" Suna's eyes flickered in uneasiness, it wasn't like he doesn't want to indulge in expectations that his partner might be, but it was exactly that. He was analytical, but he couldn't even put down what the meanings were depicting.

"I haven't been checking much. Last I took at the marking was about two years ago." Osamu looked at the other fox with his mouth agape. Samu has checked daily as it was in a clear area and it intrigued him when it shifts.

"Why dontcha check? It's suppose'ta help aid you in findin' your mate."

"I'm too lazy to crane my neck to observe the marking correctly." Suna wasn't completely lying, the symbol had little interest entirely because he couldn't be bothered, soulmates appear when they want.

"Wouldja lemme see them markings once we get back to my house?" Osamu was aimlessly swirling around the half-full cup; Suna's was emptied. "I would also probably need to glance at it as well." Suna agreed as they maintained their matching pace. The walk through the park remained breezy and the two chatted with no objective but to ramble.


The door shut behind the two as they shuffled around to take off their shoes to be able to fully enter.

"Have yer both bought dinner?" Atsumu's head peeked from the couch as his brown eyes settle on the intruders. The tv blared in background music while tsumu watched a volleyball film."No, go buy 'em yourself." The blonde exclaimed in disbelief and grumbled at his twin. Osamu sauntered off to his room briefly before walking back a few minutes late.

"Yer s'posed ta get 'em!" Tsumu was cut short of his squabbling when his stomach growled in irritation, "Ughh. Fine, I'm too hungry to deal with ya. I'll be buyin' sushi." Atsumu huffed and left with his keys and wallet, the door slamming shut.

Osamu and Suna advanced to collapse onto the sofa after the long tiring park walk. Samu paused the ear drumming music on the large screen. Somehow a sentimental song had sneaked its way to his playlist.

"Get you the moon." By, Kina ft. Snow"

"No, keep it playing. The music is nice, very relaxing." Suna smiled as he made himself comfortable with the pillows. Osamu complied but lowing the volume so the two males could hear each other when conversing.

"For your marks, Samu, can I see where yours are? Afterward, you may observe mine." Osamu obediently obliged and reached down to yank off his black shirt. His peach skin was toned and still slightly dampened in evaporated sweat from the volleyball match. The shirt was tossed over the couch armrest as Osamu ruffled his hair from the mess his shirt left, when he took it off.

"This 'ere, the soulmate symbol likes ta scatter 'round my upper torso, mainly near my shoulders." Suna glued his brown hues on Osamu's shoulders trying not to openly gawk at anywhere else.

On his right side of his upper chest near his shoulder was a black print. To anyone else without belief in soulmates, it would have looked like a tattoo, but partner markings can have a slight transparency to it. And on Osamu, there was an outline of a camera on his right.

It looked like any normal camera. "I s'pose my mate prolly is a photographer. But the second mark I got when I entered high school is real insoluble."

Samu pointed to his left side but lower onto his chest. This puzzled Suna as to why it was further from the first one, moreover, why does the object look familiar. The lines showed a multicolored stick, it had some sort of fluid that centered the insides on the stick.

"Tsumu said it couldta been a bubble wand, but I dunno how that fits with the other marking." Osamu furrowed his brown eyebrows exasperation, a whine departed from his lips. "Or mayb' issa photography thin' like a real cool camera stick."

Suna couldn't glance at the jubilant male before him, his grayed yellow eyes stared holes at the stick imprint. "Jelly stick..." Suna's words were mumbled when his sleeve-covered hand made its way to his mouth. "Hmn?" Osamu leaned back with both hands to support his figure as his thoughts tried to recall his words. The music rampaging in different songs was covering it up as well as Suna's hoodie sleeve. Stillness rang between the two as they observed the other lost in their own heads.

"You showed me yours so I guess it's my turn," Suna also lifted his shirt up and over his dark brown locks of hair; the hoodie fluffed his hair as he paid no mind to it. "I said it wasn't very perceptible, only because I don't look at my abdomen much..."

Both their eyes locked on Suna's stomach region, a transparent stamp was right above his belly button. Suna had his firm physique straightened in order for him to fully try and make out what was imprinted on his lower torso. His legs were crossed fully on the couch and his limbs lazed in his lap. The second mark was a triangle, it wasn't fully pointed and had this curved edge on the three sides. "Might've been pointed at something."

"Then... was it pointin' at the faded mark?" The first imprint on Suna's body that stuck to his heart. It was almost fully transparent, only small streaks of where the outline of the item was, but still wasn't clear enough to depict anything or a single hint. Suna exhaled lightly, he knew that marks were pointless,

Destiny is destiny. And we can't change that.

Plus, Suna already had a small peak of interest towards one person. If he received another partner than the one he truly wanted, then he doesn't want a soulmate. Suna would rather get hurt with his own choice; than let anyone else appoint them for him.

His dull yellow gaze flickered forward then shied away from the other presence. "Yeah, my soulmate hints are unrecognizable. I have no inkling on who it may be with no soulmate marks to get hints from." Suna turned to the large glass frame that displays the living room in the dim moonlight. "How can anyone know when I have so little information on who I'm connected to..."

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