Introductions (Chapter 10)

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AS/N: Real quick we just wanna say thank you guys so much for so much views. To us it's a really big deal to have this much people reading our book is amazing. With that said continue and enjoy ;)

Alyssa's POV

I left the group of crazy people to go set up my stuff. The top right bunk was empty and untouched so I guess that's mine. I quickly unpack and set up my stuff so decided to go checkout the rest of the school, then went to the living room.

"Hey guys I'm going to check out the school right now." I said stopping behind then couch backing up to the door.

Prince: "Great! We have to go the principal's office anyways." He said getting with everyone following.

On the way to school part of the campus all of were talking and laughing, in my opinion I kinda like hanging out with these guys. We reach the principal's office and I get my information and stuff.

"You guys look like you have some business here, so I'll just see y'all back at the dorm." I said smirking at them.

Willow: "Of course we'll see you later." She waved at me with a warm smile. Then I was off into the unknown. Oh shoot I forgot something.

Prince's POV

When enter back into HM.Neko office we see a very angry ChAsE glaring at us and two school guards standing next to him.

Neko: "I have made my decision, to make ChAsE do community service and help the janitors with cleaning the ENTIRE school for a month for brainwashing you girls AND for using his quirk on me!" She said in highly irritated tone.

"Thank you headmistress. We promise we won't do anything like this again." I said extremely happy. She escorted us outside, then we saw Alyssa waiting on the chair with the others.

Ty: "I thought you went to explore?" He said clearly in confusion.

Alyssa: "I just for- Oh hey aunty!" Sh said waving to headmistress Neko behind us.

Neko: "Hello, you came late." She said folding her arms across her chest.

Alyssa: "You now how your sister-in-law can be." She breathed out.

Neko: "We'll talk later I have stuff to do. Hmmm." She said then went back to her office.

All of us just stood there in shock but ChAsE being himself tried to shoot his shot AGAIN.

Willow: *kicks him in the head* "Not again you son of a biscuit!!!" She said while ChAsE get up and walk away.

Alyssa: "Nice kick your form is a bit off but nice kick." She said in disbelief.

Willow: "Excuse me!?" She said in confused.

Alyssa: "Oh sorry that came out wrong didn't it, let me rephrase next time aim for the jaw." She in a kind of whisper which made everyone laugh.

Willow: "whatever" She said then checked her phone to see a message from her aunty.

Alyssa: "Ok? I'll take that as my cue to go." She said with small smile then walked off.

Prince: "No wa- What was that?" I said to Lo in confusion and disbelief.

Yami: *runs and pulls Alyssa back* "Chill anyways so let's introduce ourselves I will go first my name Sinka Kakeyami-Falls but my friends just call me Yami." She said locking he arms with Alyssa.

"My name's Prince Greyham." I said with a wide smile.

Alyssa: "Ahh... royalty, your majesty." She said with a bow I just rolled my eyes in reply.

G.F.F.H. (Generation Five Forest High)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora