Chapter 16

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*I apologize in advance if there's a few holes or mistakes in the plot now, I ended up changing some things to make it more interesting, so if you come across any, please let me know so I can fix it. Thanks! And enjoy!

Echo POV:

We all just got back home, Eddie, Gabby, and Narrator went inside, but Mully asked to talked to me. "Hey Echo, can I talk to you?" He asked me. "Oh, of Course Mully!" I told him, I then followed him around the house where no one would hear us. "I need your help." He told me. "Gaege is in his house if you need a Tik Tok." I told him while chuckling. "No! I don't need a Tik Tok!" I eventually calmed down from laughing. "Nah, just kidding, but seriously, what's up?" I asked him. "How do you ask someone out?" He asked me. I was actually surprised, I didn't think he'd have a crush on anyone, but then I put 2 and 2 together and figured out who he might be talking about. "Take them somewhere private, and just be direct, tell them how you feel." I told him. "O-Ok, that sounds like a good idea. Thank you Echo!" He told me. "You're welcome!" We then hugged and we went on our way.

Gabby POV:

Most of us had went in the house while Echo had stayed outside with Mully. I wonder what they were talking about. Oh well. "It's good to be home." I told the guys. "Yeah, It definitely is, Erie was awesome and all, but there's no place Like home." Eddie told me. I nodded in agreement. I went into the kitchen to get a snack, and I noticed Narrator looked kind of worried. "You alright Narrator?" I asked him. "I'm still worried about Echo, what if her Father and Sister are still out there." He told me sounding worried. "I'm sure they've given up, they've already gotten the wrong house twice with no sign of her, or us, plus, David's in jail now." I reassured Narrator, and He nodded. I got some yogurt and went upstairs to go unpack.

Reekid POV:

We all went inside, except for Mully, he stayed outside with Echo for a few minutes, but then he came back in. I brushed it off and got all of my stuff unpacked. Kristy then came in. "Hey Reekiddo, did you have fun?" She asked me. "Heck Yeah I did!" I yelled out in excitement. "And we got to meet Siren, and take her home, she's really cool!" "Well, I'm glad you like her! Yeah, she is a cool chick." Kristy told me. "Oh, and I'm making dinner, you want anything?" "Yeah, can I have some pizza rolls please?" I asked her. "Sure thing kiddo!" She told me. I gave Kristy a hug. "Thanks mom!" I told her.

Kristy POV:

"Thanks Mom!" Reekid said while giving me a hug. "You're welcome Reekid." I told him. I had a warm feeling in my stomach, Not sure how to describe it, but I just loved the sound of being called Mom. Reekid was kind of like the son we never had, and Mully and Josh were like his father figures. I guess this is the family I've always wanted.

Swagger POV:

I decided to just go to bed to try to get my mind off how I was feeling. I fell for Gaege and Siren. I don't know what to do. Odds are, Gaege is straight and Siren wouldn't like me that way. I went to bed and cried until I fell asleep.

I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night. It was 3 AM. I didn't have any reason to wake up, but something in my gut told me to get out of there. I got up and decided to check on the others. I got up and checked in on Gaege. He was sound asleep. I then checked on Siren. Also asleep. Then finally Ayden. Also asleep.

The following may be kind of violent for some readers

I decided to go and get some water, just as I was about to head downstairs. I heard a loud thud and Siren screaming. "SIREN!" I yelled out. "SWAGGER! HELP!" I Immediately ran to her room to see that guy that broke in before holding her in a chokehold. "LET HER GO!" I yelled at the guy. "No can do, I need her to come with me, and I need to get you too." He yelled at me. Just then he took a single punch to my head and I blacked out.

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